Bodrumisletmerehberi. com is a business directory of companies trading in Bodrum peninsula in Turkey. Established in 2007, as a web directory with over 70 business's are currently in our database and the number is rising. We offer a variety of services along with our premium membership package, such as advertising, promotion and web development. As a start up our growth rate has been promising and we're dedicated to reaching new heights, bringing our members potential business contacts from all over the world. If you would like to get in touch with a certain business in the Bodrum Peninsula head over to our website.
Company Name: | Bodrum Isletme Rehberi |
Business Type: | Business Service (Transportation, finance, travel, Ads, etc) |
Product/Service(We Sell): | bodrum, advertising, promotion, business guide, Turkey, hotel, pension, restaurant, isletme rehberi, rehber |
Address: | Eski Hukumet Sokak No. 56 |
Brands: | WWW. bodrumisletmerehberi. com |
Number of Employees: | Less than 5 People |
Company Website URL: | |