Chastelecommunications United States

Chastelecommunications Co. Was founded in 1989 to address the tremendous demand for quality telecommunications services. With over 150 years combine experience we are commited to providing a high quality solution for your needs in the industry. Although our experience spans several vendor products our specialty Is the Digital Mutiplex Switching series including dms-10/100/250/300/500/MTX/SL-1, SL100, and Voice Mail Services. We also specialize in various areas including, but not limited to Consulting Services, Project Management, Site Survey and Preparation, Maintenance, Commissining and Installtion. PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: Communications Consulting, Project and Program Management, Network Design and Consulting, Network Integration Consulting INSTALLATION/COMMISSIONING/DE-INSTALLATIONS Switching Sytems, Carrier Systems, Pre/Post conditioning services, Batteries and Power equipment. FACILITIES Digital carrier systems, Digital mutiplex and data systems, Lightwave/light guide Broadband carrier mutiplex systems, Mobile and GSM systems, VOIP SWITCHING SYTEMS DMS-10/100/200/250/300/500, MTX, SL-1/100,5ESS, PBX, AND MANY OTHER VENDORS POWER SYSTEMS Converter/Inverter Plants, Rectifier Plants, Battery Plants Training On Site training for clients, Long term aggrements for consultation, Training spans from accelerated management sessions to detailed, long term training for technicians.. SALES Switching equipment, PBX equipment, Phone systems, GSM and CELL phones, VOIP and Gateways, Computers and accessories, Office equipment and fax machines, Telecommunications tools for technicians, Wireless Payphones indoor/outdoor operated by solar, wind, other sources. Copper and Fiber Optic cables for many applications small or large projects, Outside plant materials for aerail or buried applications. SO MANY MORE ITEMS IN INVENTORY WE STAND FOR QUALITY

Company Name: Chastelecommunications
Business Type: Other
Product/Service(We Sell): Switching equipment, VOIP equipment, wireless prepaid payphones, GSM and cell phones, copper and fiber optic cable. Full telecomm service provider
Address: 7510 Linnet Dr
Number of Employees: 5 - 10 People
Company Website URL:
  • Country:United States
  • Province:North Carolina
  • City:Wendell
  • Street:7510 Linnet Dr
  • Zip:
  • Telephone:1-919-365-3012
  • Mobile:
  • Fax:1-919-365-3012