Chopkey leather ware factory was founded in 1993. The factory is an economic entity incorporating design, production and trading in leather line. It owns state-of-the-art production equipments, professional designers and technicians. Also, it boasts of its superb management and excellent quality. The main business today includes bags, wallets and other leather products.Our products are of novel design and variety. Based on 'quality-to-none and customers first', we strive to provide refined and unrivalled products to customers. We also deliver material processing and door-to-door services with the policy of 'prestige, practicality and win-win'.We are open to opportunities to create potential market together with any merchants!
Company Name:
Chopkey Leather Ware Factory
Business Type:
Product/Service(We Sell):
Leather products
Dacheng Building, Xiaolan Rd, North
Number of Employees:
101 - 500 People
Company Website URL: