The Esteves Group is a global company with more than 100 years of expertise in the production of dies, extrusion tools, machines for die reconditioning and refurbishing services.
The Esteves Group is committed to continue expanding and strengthening their worldwide network of production and service facilities in order to support you in optimizing your process.
The Esteves Group is present in more than 90 countries worldwide.
Strategically located fully equipped factories in the USA, North and South America, Europe and Asia bring the Esteves Group close to the customer.
Over the past 100 years, the Esteves Group has earned a reputation for innovation, precision, quality and value in the field of wire die manufacturing.
The Esteves Group constantly strives to adapt its products and
Services to the latest requirements of a changing market.
Company Name:
Esteves Group Poland
Business Type:
Product/Service(We Sell):
Diamond Wire Dies, Extrusion Tools, Wire Guides, Wire Machines, Ultrasonic Cleaning Machines, Ultrasonic Machines, Reconditioning Equipment, Ancillary Equipment, Enamelling Dies, Technical
Product/Service(We Buy):
Technical Diamonds
Murowska 35b
Company Website URL: