Evergreen Bags Factory is located in China's production base of printing and China's production base of bags. Our factory specializes in making kinds of packages and bags. We produce PP/PE/PET/VMPET bags, suit covers, cotton bags, aprons, paper bags, gift bags, shopping bags, nonwove bags, and other packing bags.
Our factory is held by Jinsheng Printing Co., Ltd. We have a full set of specialized production equipment, such as YAD-71600 automatic gravure printing machines, Rom-2000 laminating machines, silk-screen machines, sewing machines and winding machines. We provide better quality guarantee.
Our factory owns advanced production line and a strong quality control system. We are ideally placed to design, develop and manufacture items according to our customers' demands. Our firming network of raw materials suppliers and effective management can keep costs low, so the competitive prices will help you expand business in your market.
We regard "Quality Fundamental, Customer Oriented" as the business philosophy. We would like to join hands with customers from at home and abroad to create a prosperous future! We hope to create a great vision with all the customers.
Company Name:
Evergreen Bags Factory
Business Type:
Product/Service(We Sell):
Shopping bags,nonwoven bags,suit cover,apron,canvas/cotton bags,paper bags,gift bags,promotion bags,cosmetic bags & cases,beach bags,cooler bags,pet bags,wash clothes bags,shoes bags,tote bags
Registered Address:
1/F, No. 955, Longxiang Road, Longgang Town, Cangnan County, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China (Mainland) Zip: 325802
Number of Employees:
51 - 100 People