Weley handbag factory was established in 1993. In the past few years, we have developed quickly and now have over 200 skillful workers and advanced machinery. We are specialized in the production of handbags, backpacks, satchels, leisure bags, and diaper bags.
Every year, we produce 1,200,000pcs quality bags, which are mainly exported to America and Europe. We have established long term cooperation ship with our customers.
We are looking forward to cooperating with new and old customers from domestic and overseas markets to create a bright future together. We warmly welcome you to visit our company.
Company Name:
Foshan Weley Handbag Factory
Business Type:
Product/Service(We Sell):
handbags,backpacks,satchels,leisure bags,diaper bags
Registered Address:
No.81, Jizhou Industrial District, Lunjiao, Shunde District, Foshan, Guangdong, China (Mainland) Zip: 528308
Number of Employees:
101 - 500 People