Founded in 1989, our company manufactures high quality bags in modern and traditional designs. With almost 20 years' experience in the bag industry, we have established strong, long-term and reliable partnerships with our clients, and would like to work with you, too. Our main products include backpacks, travel bags, school bags, cooler bags, promotional bags, cosmetic bags and cases, wallets, pouches, and related items. Our main markets are Europe, America, and Asia, but we ship worldwide. Our factory covers a total area of 5,600 square meters, and we employ over 150 people. Our workers use the most advanced and reliable equipment in the bag making industry in order to ensure defect-free products.If any of our items interest you, please do not hesitate to contact us for more information or to place an inquiry. As our international presence expands, we hope to become acquainted with an even wider range of honest customers.
Company Name:
Fuzhou Yuenshun Bag And Luggage Products Co., Ltd.
Business Type:
Manufacturer, Buying Office, Agent
Product/Service(We Sell):
Backpacks,travel bags,school bags,cooler bags,promotional bags,cosmetic bags and cases,wallets,pouches,sports bag,shopping bag,drawstring bag,bag,canvas bag,waist bag,camera bag,shoulder
bag,messenger bag,laptop bag,briefcase,toilet bag
Registered Address:
(whole floor) 01,3,4/F,Bldg.21,Taijiang Park,Jinshan Juyuanzhou Industrial Zone, 618 Jinshan Rd.,Jianxin Town, Cangshan Dist., Fuzhou, Fujian, China (Mainland)
Number of Employees:
101 - 500 People
Company Website URL: