Greensmith Environmental United States

Greensmith Environmental is the premiere consulting & management firm for sustainable business solutions. Our business solutions have a positive impact on the environment and your company's bottom line. By understanding your operations, we can implement green business practices that are practical, economical and sustainable.Eco Smart Food DecomposersGreensmith Environmental is a leader in organic waste conversion. Organic waste occurs wherever food is grown, produced, prepared or served. Our line of Eco Smart Food Decomposers turn leftover food waste into a usable compost within 24 hours. The Eco Smart allows restaurants, hotels and other food establishments to reduce the volume & weight of their food waste by 80%!! Thus, reducing the cost of waste disposal by as much as 50% - 60%! Furthermore, the reduced processing time (1 day vs. 3 months) makes this technology a practical application for todays busy, space constrained hospitality professional. Eco-FriendlyEco Smart food decomposers work to reduce food waste at the source. Organic food waste that is landfilled creates methane gas, which contributes to the earths greenhouse effect. By decomposing food waste immediately at the source, our machines reduce the amount of leftover food that is destined for landfills. Eco Smart machines maintain an elevated chamber temperature by recycling the humidity associated with the decomposition process. This technology decreases the overall power consumption of the Eco Smart. Size MattersEco Smart food decomposers are available in a wide range of sizes to accommodate all levels of food waste. Properly sizing the machine to the unique needs of your business will ensure that all organic waste can be processed within one cycle. Eco Smart machines can process up to 2,000 lbs of organic food waste within a 24 hour cycle. Smaller models can process as little as 66 lbs or less within the same time period. The proper Eco Smart model will allow your kitchens workflow to maintain its efficiency. Low MaintenanceEco Smart food decomposers are easy to use and require little maintenance. With the push of a single button, the cycle begins and requires no further action until the cycle is complete. The only maintenance is an easily accessible pocket sized filter that is rinsed daily. All units come with a standard manufacturers 2 year warranty, with extended warranty plans available. Finally, our friendly and knowledgeable tech support staff is available 24 / 7 and can handle all requests immediately.Greensmith & Eco Smart Making Green Work for Hospitality Professionals WorldwideContact

Company Name: Greensmith Environmental
Business Type: Distributor/Wholesaler
Product/Service(We Sell): food composter,composter,food waste
Address: 380 Hamilton Ave
Company Website URL:
  • Country:United States
  • Province:California
  • City:Palo Alto
  • Street:380 Hamilton Ave
  • Zip:94302
  • Telephone:1-510-4213701
  • Mobile:
  • Fax:1