Founded in 2002, Guangzhou Diya Leather Products Co., Ltd. specializes in manufacturing ladies' handbags. Our company is a leather enterprise gathering design, manufacture, sale, and service. We have a factory covering an area of 3000 square meters and more than 200 staff members.
We can produce more than 20,000 bags per month. Besides, we have outstanding stylists and advanced management systems.
Since our company's establishment, with the development of these years, our products have won the general customers' and users' consistent good praise for our excellent quality, novel appearance, various styles, reasonable price and professional services. Under the fierce situation of current competitive market, our company insists on the principle of "sincere cooperation, and shared interests" to ensure that we keep moving towards a normalized and large-scale new modern enterprise.
Aiming to ensure our credibility and competitive advantage, we will offer our best products and services to our customers. We are looking forward to your inquiry and cooperating with you.
Company Name:
Guangzhou Diya Leather Products Co., Ltd.
Business Type:
Product/Service(We Sell):
lady handbag,fashion handbag,bag OEM service,handbag,ODM se
Registered Address:
Room 418, 2/F, Yisen Leather City, 1389 North Jiefang Road, Baiyun District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China (Mainland)
Number of Employees:
101 - 500 People
Company Website URL: