We are Exporter for plane and toys, Relying on first-class products, reasonable price, good quality and timely delivery and our every product is under strict inspection before shipment. Our tenet "lowest price, highest quality, fastest service and best credibility" makes us earn the widest domestic and overseas customers. We can also accept OEM / ODM order according to the customer's request, and will try to supply you satisfactory.
We can confidently tell that, our customers / buyers will be relaxed for the end products. Since we care & count. We treat each client as a partner not a customer. We engage not just to supply, but to form long term business relationships of mutual benefit. We believe in:
--client satisfaction
---timely delivery
--constant client communication
---honesty & integrity.
However, we are extremely expecting your attention on these regards to develop us & allow judging in all respects. Please don't hesitate to asking price, samples frequently to check the workmanship. We are cordially handle this.
Company Name:
Hongkong Kerry Toys Co., Ltd.
Business Type:
Manufacturer, Trading Company
Product/Service(We Sell):
Plane, Helicopter, Helicopt, Whirlybird, Sewing Machine, Sewing, Copter, Rc Helicopter, Pants, Blouses
Rm901, 9 / F. , Genplas Factory Bldg. , 56hoi Yuen Rd Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hongkong
Number of Employees:
501 - 1000 People
Company Website URL: