Huizhou Zhong Xing Handbag Factory is located in Huiyang of Guangdong.It is an expanding, well-established, and non-leather handbag manufacturer. Since founded in 1988, we have earned a good reputation of honesty and reliability. We are a kind manufacturer that our customers can always count on for providing good quality products at reasonable prices with timely delivery. In order to serve our Import/Export customers better, we maintain an office in Hong Kong as a liaison between our factories and our customers.
Our factory provides a vast variety of products such as ladies' handbags, cosmetic bags, travel bags, backpacks, airline travel kit bags, computer/document bags, shopping bags and even some non-sewing premium items like glued jewelry cases and wine cases. We have made OEM bags for lots of world-class brands . In an effort to expand our business, we have recently started a design group in order to help our existing customers in product development. We have recently started our brand "RBRK+". In addition, we will implement more marketing strategies to facilitate this expansion, including trade shows and buyer meetings.
If you are interested in our factory and products, please don't hesitate to contact us with any question and any inquiry. We will be more than happy to have the opportunity to serve you.
Company Name:
Huizhou Zhong Xing Handbag Factory
Business Type:
Product/Service(We Sell):
ladies' handbags,cosmetic bags,shopping bags,backpacks,travel bags,computer/document bags,trolley bags,airline travel kit bags,pencil cases,promotional bags
Registered Address:
Qiuchang Supply and Marketing Agency, Huiyang District, Huizhou, Guangdong, China (Mainland)
Number of Employees:
101 - 500 People
Company Website URL: