Ka Wing Handbags is in handbag industry since 1990. We produce high quality products with competitive prices and short delivery time. As well we have fully experience on different materials, like PVC, PU, Genuine Leather, Nylon, Textile etc. In factory, we have different kinds of special machines to produce a range of products, including Briefcases, Laptop Cases, Clutch Bag, Flight Bag, Trendy Ladies Handbags, Portfolio, File Holder, CD Holder and Card Holder etc.
Company Name:
Ka Wing Handbags Factory Limited
Business Type:
Product/Service(We Sell):
Briefcases, Laptop Cases, Clutch Bag, Flight Bag, Trendy Ladies Handbags, Portfolio, File Holder, CD Holder And Card Holder, Travel Bag
Unit B, 6 / F. , Yip Kwong Ind. Building, 39-41 Beech Street
Number of Employees:
101 - 500 People
Company Website URL: