Laleh-Bahar Hamadan Food Industry Co. Iran (Islamic Republic of)

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Company Name: Laleh-Bahar Hamadan Food Industry Co.
Business Type: Trading Company
Product/Service(We Sell): Garlic Powder
Product/Service(We Buy): Not Provided
Address: No.14,Boostan Alley,Shahid Khoddami St.,Valiasr Ave.,North of Vanak Sq.Tehran - IRAN
Company Website URL:
  • Country:Iran (Islamic Republic of)
  • Province:
  • City:
  • Street:No.14,Boostan Alley,Shahid Khoddami St.,Valiasr Ave.,North of Vanak Sq.Tehran - IRAN
  • Zip:1994764813
  • Telephone:98-21 88798307
  • Mobile:
  • Fax: