F Martinez Lozano, S. A.
Company founded in 1924, Spanish based company focused in the production and marketing of high quality products.
Our commercial activity has been always oriented to the export markets counting amongst our customers, companies from the 5 continents.
Product portfolio holds a wide range of items packed by ourselves plus a parallel range of items being packed by reliable companies with whom we do regularly work from many years.
Product list:
OApricots Albaricoques
OArtichokes Alcachofas
OCherry Cerezas
OFigs Higos
OFruit cocktail Cocktail de frutas
OGrapes Uvas
OMince Membrillo
OOlivas Olives
OOils Aceites
OPimentos Pimientos
OPeaches Melocotones
OPears Peras
OOthers Otros
Your requirements will be welcomed.
Best regards,
F Martinez Lozano, S. A.
Company Name:
Business Type:
Manufacturer, Trading Company
Product/Service(We Sell):
Canned Fruits, Canned Vegetables,
Product/Service(We Buy):
Canned Fruits, Canned Vegetables,
Murciaciezactra Calasparra
Mickey, Fiesta, Winner
Number of Employees:
51 - 100 People
Company Website URL: