The Quality of materials, the standard of manufacturing and competitive prices all distinguish products of C. C. Factories from its competitors. Non-compromised quality and elegant designs have not only made our products dominant in the local market popular but also highly popular across the world. Each product by us is manufactured to ensure supreme quality and durability. At Majestic you can find any thing you are looking for your kitchen. We aim at complete satisfaction of our customers and are always their lasting partner. MAJESTIC, the well-known name for kitchen-wares was organized in 1936 as a medium scale industry. The entire production relied on semi-skilled labour and few pieces of mechanical instruments. However, the profits of the home-market sales were re-invested to increase the capital purchases and modernization of mechanical aspects. The company; initially being a family venture, grew into a joint organization and it could own a sophisticated set of machines for large scale production in 1999. We also realize that the living style are (today) fast moving towards sophistication: therefore, MAJESTIC has decided to meet these standards by the control of machines, outlay of products, utility of merchandise and competitive price structures suitable for everybody's pocket.
Company Name:
Business Type:
Product/Service(We Sell):
Cookwares,Kitchen Tools,Kitchen Appliances,Aluminium Cook utensils,Pressure Cookers
Rang Pura
Number of Employees:
51 - 100 People
Company Website URL: