We are strong in pp bags and pvc bags and all other luggage bags. We also produce many housewares, such as laundry sorters/hampers/bags/baskets. We also specialized in produce ptfe items (rods, sheets and tubes). We had set up 5 factory in middle china hefei area. We had been in these lines for more than 10 years. Our quality is reliable and our prices are very competitive. Our services would be also very satisfactory. We are doing business with many companies in west europe and usa, such as homez, whitney design inc. And leifheit and ect. We are looking forward to have more customers because our producing ability is getting stronger and stronger. Welcome your any detail enquiry and welcome you visit our plant also.
Company Name:
Mountain Industries
Business Type:
Product/Service(We Sell):
Teflon items, ptfe items, pe bags, pp bags, pvc bags, pvc film, laundry sorters, laundry hampers/baskets/bags, luggage bags
55, Shouchun Road
Number of Employees:
101 - 500 People