China Dafen Nantian Oil Paintings Studio is located in the world garden city - Dafen, Shenzhen. Dafen is an Oil Paintings Village, and is one of the largest oil paintings bases of China.
Our studio has more than 40 regular senior painters, and all painters are graduated from the advanced academy of fine arts.
We have 3 years' experience to duplicate oil painting by hand. In addition, our works rank at the top level in the same trade and have been sold to America, Europe, and Asia. We have got old and new customers' favorable comment.
Company Name:
Nantian Oil Paintings Studio
Business Type:
Manufacturer, Distributor/Wholesaler
Product/Service(We Sell):
oil painting,handmade oil painting,abstract oil painting,modern oil painting,classical oil painting
Registered Address:
104,1/F,No.2,Lane 7,Laoweidong, Dafen Village ,Buji Street,Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China (Mainland)
Number of Employees:
101 - 500 People
Company Website URL: