We supply extensive ranges of high quality and well proven auto glass car glass sets, laminated windshields , tempered side and heated rear glass and building glass with best possible supply prices available in todays market conditions . We have many decades experience, supplying high quality autoglass parts to the many International markets and supply our famous and licensed NM logo on all our freshly produced full import container orders, ensuring good quality supplied, by using our long time OEM manufacturing experience.Please do not hesitate contacting us for reliable advice for your auto glass supply needs, we can help you and supply you with all your auto glass needs, after your contact with us we will send you our comprehensive supply catalogues, prices for your evaluations.I look forward to receiving your contact for serious auto glass parts supply requirements.Carl C.MollerNielsen & Moller Autoglass International Ltd ( NMI)President
Company Name:
Nielsen & Moller Autoglass International
Business Type:
Product/Service(We Sell):
Auto Glass,Windshields,Rear Glass,Side Glass,Building Glass
175B Attunga Road Yowie Bay
Number of Employees:
101 - 500 People
Company Website URL: