Ousha Handbag Industrial Limited Guangzhou is an enterprise integrating production and design. Our company produces a range of products including backpacks, school bags, briefcases, computer bags, travel bags, cosmetic bags, purses, hardware bags, tool bags, sports bags, ladies' fashion handbags, shopping bags and a series of non-woven bags.
All our products are mainly exported to the markets of Europe, America, and Japan. We are an export-oriented and joint venture enterprise with foreign investment. High product quality and the best service are the objectives of our enterprise for our clients, and we have the attitude of "good faith is the source of our enterprise's life". Our company warmly welcomes our customers to visit us and we will provides high quality products and the best services for you.
Company Name:
Ousha Handbag Industrial Limited Guangzhou
Business Type:
Manufacturer, Trading Company, Buying Office, Agent, Distributor/Wholesaler, Government ministry/Bureau/Commission, Association, Business Service (Transportation, finance, travel, Ads, etc)
Product/Service(We Sell):
Backpack,school bag,briefcase,ladies' handbag,travel bag,shoulder bag,pouch,cosmetic bag,stationary bag,laptop bag,evening bag,waist bag,trolley bag,shopping bag,sports bag
Product/Service(We Buy):
backpack,school bag,briefcase,ladies handbag,travel bag,shoulder bag,pouch,cosmetic bag,stationary bag,laptop bag,evening bag,waist bag,trolley bag,shopping bag,sports bag
Registered Address:
No. 117, Gaozeng Street, Renhan Rd., Baiyun District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China (Mainland)
Number of Employees:
51 - 100 People
Company Website URL: