PT. Ebl mine is located in Rantau District, South Kalimantan Province The area can be reached by 4 wheel vehicle through government and good mine road straight to mine site PT. Ebl was granted to operate coal mine in an exploitation mining lease of 2000 hectare. Prouct analysis: GVC 5400 Kcal reject GVC 5100 Kcal Total Moisture (ar) : 36-38% reject at 40% Inherent Moisture (adb) : 17% Ash (adb) : 4% reject at 5. 5% Volatile Matter (adb) : 42% Fixed Carbon (adb) : 38% Total Sulphur (adb) : 0. 5% reject at 0. 8% Calorific Value (adb) : 5. 300 Kcal / KG reject 5. 100kcal / KG Hard Groove Grindability Index: 50-55
Company Name: | Pt. Ebl |
Business Type: | Other |
Product/Service(We Sell): | Non-Metallic Mineral Deposit |
Address: | Gedung Hijau 2 / 34 |
Number of Employees: | 11 - 50 People |
Company Website URL: |