Product/Service(We Sell):
food items we are providing all indian dry food,we are wholesaler and distributer of food items be,garam masala we are wholsalers of masala,mrich masala we are providing branded mrich
masala,garam masala,food product we are distributers of food product,food items dry food and others indian food we are,cloths indias 2nd rank in jute so we are providing,namkeens is nidian
culture we are provid all types,plastics product is good damand in international,textiles is all types sellind,garments seller only,sweets,all indian product (not bonded by goverments),cunsumer
related product,handicrafts and gifts items we are doing manufact,artificiale jawilrys in we are manufature export
Product/Service(We Buy):
brand dry food WE BUY BRABED INTERNATIONAL FOOD,laeman rices msala we want to buys,agriculture aqupments we want to buy agriculture i,atumobile parts we want to small parts of autobuys,madical
macinry (not bonded by ghoverment),ageeculture product,jams and jawilry