We are a trading that specialize in high quality bags, our main products is handbags, shopping bags, briefcase, etc, we can produce about 2000-2500pcs handbags every day. We have very short delivery time, it is within 30 days always. . . .
Our mission is to provide you with the great offers to buy luggage, bags, shopping bags, totebags, paper bags, etc online. We strive to create a pleasant and effective shopping experience with a fast loading site that is easy to navigate.
If you have any questions or any interest, please don't hesitate to contact us. We also welcome OEM business type.
Company Name:
Business Type:
Trading Company
Product/Service(We Sell):
Bag, Bags, Shopping Bag, Paper Bag, Handbag, Handbags, Tote Bag
Jalan Raya Kletek No. 169 RT. 11 RW. 05, Desa Kletek
Number of Employees:
Less than 5 People
Company Website URL: