Fandom Factory was established in 2000 in Mainland China. We have over nine years of experience in the design and manufacture of various kinds of bags at bargaining prices for our valued customers around the World.
Shihua Plastic Limited provides customer liaison services and operation. Our factory - Fandom Factory is located in Dongguan, China, having 100 skillful workers. We are capable of exporting more than 100,000 pieces of bags per month.
For the past 9 years, we have made cosmetic bags, children bags, fashion bags, pocket charts, men's bags, backpacks, leisure bags, straw bags, totes, and belts for our customers with their designs. Our objectives are to satisfy customers' needs and to provide them with the finest products.
Our management and production workers are committed to delivering professional quality products. At Fanom, the leading concern is quality. This appears to be the major concern for every manufacturer. In order to reach this goal, we have well-organized management, by having managing supervisor in each department to ensure and to maintain the quality standard. Fandom is capable of providing our customers with professional suggestion for we have 9 years of experience and skill, avoiding technical errors for products.
Fandom can also offer OEM and ODM services. Our products are selling well in large department stores like the Sears & The Bay in North America and Jusco in Japan. You can be the next one we serve. Our main objective is "satisfying customers' needs with our knowledge and experience of the industrial".
For samples, prices and other information, please do not hesitate to contact us now! We value business opportunity.
Company Name:
Shihua Plastic Limited
Business Type:
Product/Service(We Sell):
bag for PSP,game player case,school bag,pencil case,cosmetic bag,camera bag,EVA case,computer bag,backpack,neoprene knee pad
Registered Address:
Guanzhou Village, Wangniudun Town, Dongguan, Guangdong, China (Mainland)
Number of Employees:
51 - 100 People