The electronic industry develops booming ,business opportunities everywhere,but the,electronics product manufactory bears in publicity and sale of product under the influence of the globalization and the fierce competition of the industry of the pressure bigger and bigger,consequently need more professional opinions to improve profit ability.Taiwan TimeSpeed through provide professional opinion and the,of the market information to provide strong backing ,for the relevant manufacturer also by through build up strategy's alliance ,with supplier to provide an overall market message and spread all over the electronics component of everyplace sale outlet.for the supplierIn addition,Taiwan the TimeSpeed also provides a great deal of purchase project,to help customer to quickly buy toward the customer of electronics component who needs quality goods at reasonable price the most suitable use of component, in the meantime through provide the help electronics of the solution, of overall integrity the manufacturer and purchase business establishment business relation.We devote to provide purchase project and the.of the sale outlet of the electronics component for the electronics and the communication equipment supplierThrough help manufacturer and customer's number of the purchase business TimeSpeed group for establishment to relation, to not only and successively rise, and the network more wide.Taiwan TimeSpeed understand appear inside the industry the, of the development trend that the consumption,communication and computer product unite as one past mainly is divided into the business a few professional category:s are as followsConsume a productCommunication product Computer productThe product of the cellular phone componentsTaiwan the TimeSpeed builds up contacting,by the purchase business of the F and well-known supplier of the electronics component in the world and the network amplitude toward the large customer to provide overall solution .In fact the,this group goods well-found , not only can even provide one-stop service. for the cost,that the customer saves to buy an electronics componen

Business Type: Distributor/Wholesaler
Product/Service(We Sell): IC,Components,Panel
Product/Service(We Buy): IC,Components,Panel
Address: 6F, No.3. Lane 235, Bao Chiao Road
Number of Employees: 51 - 100 People
Company Website URL: http://www.timespeed.com.tw
  • Country:Taiwan
  • Province:
  • City:Hsin Tien
  • Street:6F, No. 3. Lane 235, Bao Chiao Road
  • Zip:231
  • Telephone:886-02-29188958
  • Mobile:0935667975
  • Fax:886-02-29188952