Wenzhou Ailing Bags Co., Ltd. is a leading manufacturer, specializing in the production of a wide range of bags in different materials, such as non-woven shopping bags, PP/PE woven shopping bags, promotion bags, tote bag, paper bags, cotton bags, oxford bags, canvas bags, PVC bags, gift bags, computer bags, cooler bags, shoulder bags, gunny bags and cosmetic bag. Our factory is located in Chinese Printing City - Longgang, Wenzhou, China, covering about 8000 square meters. There are more than 200 staff members in our factory, responsible for stitching, printing and R&D. The monthly production capability is more than 900, 000PCS. We have advanced equipment and strict quality control. We can ensure prompt delivery and competitive prices. OEM orders and customers' designs are welcome.
Company Name:
Wenzhou Ailing Bags Co.,Ltd
Business Type:
Product/Service(We Sell):
Shopping bags,Tote bags,Cotton canvas bags,Paper bags,PVC PE PP Bags
Jinzhou Building, Wenzhou Avenue
Number of Employees:
51 - 100 People
Company Website URL: