Yiwu Gelory Handbag Factory located in yiwu city,is a wholly owned subsidiary ,which is a large-scale private enterprises,manufacturing shopping bag, handicraft.in relation to commerce,trading, finance,science,technology.We have five branch offices located in Yiwu, Shanghai, Beijing.our products mainly inlclude all kind case,shopping bags,home appliance,and other daily-use consumer goods.
Our factories are one of the most professional manufacturer engaging in the production of non-woven bags, gift bags, shopping bags, advertising bags, Oxford bags, cotton bags, canvas bag, related products. Adhering to the ideal of "With innovation-rooted, quality-oriented", we are committed to design and produce system board with prompt delivery, and supply first-class products and services and fulfill all the commitments to our customers. At the same time, in order to be able to provide better products with more affordable prices and perfect service, we spent large investment in introducing advanced production equipment and production technology to develop new products. Through years of unremitting efforts, we have achieved remarkable success.
Our products have been sold to Taiwan area of mainland China, Hong Kong, Southeast Asia, Europe and the United States and other developed countries and regions. Moreover, we won trust and praise by customers both at home and abroad. For inquire more handbags information and the information related the products of our factory, please visit our Web site or call us, we will certainly provide best service for you, and welcome to visit our factory!
Now we have more than 40 machines, more than 60 employees, and amounted to more than 15,000 daily output. Thanks to new and existing customers' trust and support, we extend our sincerity and will strive to produce more high-quality products, but also hope you will always support and trust us, based on equality and mutual benefits, mutual exchanges and cooperation, and together with the development of mutually beneficial and win-win situation in the near future!
Company Name:
Yiwu Gelory Handbag Factory
Business Type:
Manufacturer, Trading Company, Agent
Product/Service(We Sell):
Non-woven bags,bean bags,cotton bags,canvas bags,paper bags,jute bag,beach bags,gift bags,foam bags,home textiles,gauze bags,sky lantern,cross stitch,furniture,baby products,shopping
bag,fashion bag,sport bag,water lantern,Pillow
Registered Address:
No.15,Xiqian Village,Choucheng Subdistrict, Yiwu City, Jinhua, Zhejiang, China (Mainland)
Number of Employees:
51 - 100 People
Company Website URL: