We are an importer. Our company has been established since 1950. We import agricultural and industrial packaging and textiles. Looking for products to import that complament our existing range.
Company Name: | h.polesy |
Business Type: | Other |
Product/Service(We Sell): | Agricultural, Industrial, Packaging, Textiles |
Product/Service(We Buy): | Multiwall Paper Bags, 100grm200grm |
Address: | 11 Josephine Street Loganholme |
Number of Employees: | 5 - 10 People |
Company Website URL: | http://www.polesy.com.au |
Factory Size: | 10,000-30,000 square meters |
Factory Location: | loganholme,matraville,yarraville and malaga |
QA/QC: | Third Parties |
No. of Production Lines: | 2 |
No. of QC Staff: | Less than 5 People |
Management Certification: | ISO 9000/9001/9004/19011: 2000 |