Company DetailEstablished in 2002 as Trader, Now this is a big manufacturing unit in Mumbai (India) , The Brand name is MERITO SHOES, We having 6 retail outlet in India in different states. Company main aim is export our product in Europe, Asia, Middle East, America, Africa, MensLadiesKidsMulti BrandsAccessoriesOur Mission is to offer stylish and sophisticated shoes in narrow, medum, wide and extra wide sizes. we know that shoe size has nothing to do with a woman's sense of styles. . . . . we believe woman want shoes that look smart and feel as good. . . . . . .Copyright 2008, MeritoShoes. All rights reserved.. . . . .
Company Name:
merito shoes
Business Type:
Manufacturer, Distributor/Wholesaler
Product/Service(We Sell):
Fancy Shoes,Casual Shoes,Beaded Shoes,Sworovaski,Diamond Chain
9 / A Petwala Compound, Madanpura, Nagpada
Merito Shoes
Number of Employees:
51 - 100 People
Company Website URL: