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ASICHIP is specializing in the design, producing, sales and marketing of GPS products. Its business covers:1)GPS+GSM/GPRS integration equipment;2)Order design and manufactory for GPS/GSM/GPRS products in application of Taxi, Police, vehicle, Cargo ship, and other special area. ...
We are a company providing plastics products. We have capacity to fabricate tool box, bottles, bars, sticks by inject, blowing, squash, etc. Also, we provide nano material, a state of the art technology to improve the plastcs and rubber material to enhance the characteristics. ...
U-track is a remote vehicle security and monitoring system for locating, tracking & recovering stolen vehicles. It is the only vehicle recovery system that keeps a constant check on your vehicle even when it is stored in covered and obscured places like basements, closed garage, ...
We, vokonn technology ltd. Are a reputed supplier of connectivity solutions for wired and wireless networking. We believe that innovative technology is an essential element for enterprises to advance into the future, and service excellence is the way to win customer loyalty. In ...
We are a design house of multi media products such as GPS Navigation, PMP, MP3 Player and others. We have supplied our brand new navigation to Europe and North America. If you are interested in, please let me ...
We specialised in manufacturing wireless devices integrating GPS, gsm, GPRS, bluetooth, ethernet, wifi. . . Etc. Located in the Technology Park of Vizcaya, a key Research and Development centre in Europe, Owasys is a company specialised in the design, development, production ...
TeleType Company, a software development company based in Boston, founded in 1981. We specialize in software system integration and have produced cutting edge products for a variety of industries. We continue to be at the forefront of integrating the Global Positioning System ...
Name of Company: HPT Vietnam Corporation Date of Foundation: January 13, 1995 Number of Employees: 395 (as of Jul, 2006) Revenue: USD18. 7 million (2005) Business Domain: - Software development and services - Provide IT solutions and products - Technical support and maintenance ...
Visiontac Instrument Inc Has been a long time premium OEM manufacturer for many well recognized brand name in Poland. Now We offer our own products to the customers. We offer an extensive line of products ranging from Optics, Power Generators to GPS products. We make great ...
Lateral Soft is five year old product development company headquartered in Mumbai, India. The Management team is well balanced with skills from all facets of product Development. Lateral Soft provide wide range of design, development and support services for embedded components ...
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PremGard is an OEM manufacturer or wireless monitoring and tracking systems for both fixed and mobile applications. We custom build wireless personal tracking products, fleet products, taxi monitoring products, and fixed station products. We can custom develop a monitoring or ...
Company started in 1983 to serve the electronic market as subcontractor. After has changed its main goal investing in research and desing to enter in other markets. Now the main field of activity are train electronic equipment, GPS locating device and related software, contract ...
In 1998 Pegasus Technologies Pakistan was formed to promote VectorTrac stolen vehicle tracking and recovery system in Pakistan. After the launch of Star Technologies in Pakistan (April 2001) , TracAsia Technologies (Singapore) was formed in late 2002. Singapore was selected as ...
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ByteSol provides high quality business technology solutions, which maximize returns on IT investments. Capitalizing on profound industry experience, extensive technology skills and business process application, ByteSol offers its clients a range of solutions to meet their ...
Steffaco is founded in 1991 in belgrade, serbia and montenegro. Our products are terminals and modems for wireless communication. We are establishing wireless networks. In our business history we were dealing with big gowermental institutions like police, military energetic ...
LodeStar Motion Technology (LMT) is an international technology development, consulting and service, and trade company. The business includes GPS, GIS, VMS (Video Mapping System) , and other spatial multimedia application development, consulting and service, systems integration, ...
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