Wipro LooKeys

Wipro LooKeys will transform your computer to your own language. Wipro LooKeys will transform your computer to your own language. Wipro LooKeys unique software is easy to learn and easy to use !! Get a visual keyboard providing all characters and lingual combinations (dynamically


Take Command/LE software

Take Command/LE, Is a basic version of our Take Command product with our most popular features Take Command/LE, Is a basic version of our Take Command product with our most popular features, intended for home power users and small business environments. Great power at a great pri

JP softwer   

Aneka Software

Parking Sytem Asset Managerment HRMS ( Human Resources Management System ) KTP System PoS Parking Sytem


Altai Wireless Management System

Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server Manage all the network elements offered by Altai Altai Wireless Management System (AWMS)Manage all the network elements offered by AltaiAWMS provides network operators a centralized way to remotely administer and control WiFi base

PT Mitzmara Inti   

Symbian software

Type Programming & Development Type Programming & Development Symbian - is a rapidly growing software platform with a significant part on the Smartphones market. Symbian - is a rapidly growing software platform with a significant part on the Smartphones market. Successful impleme

Mobile Effort IT Services   

Smart Cards Software

Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server The acceptance of the PC/SC standard has allowed to unify the card readers and software. PC/SC standard Today we use the PC/SC standard as a base for our software developing. The "PC/SC" abbreviature means "Personal Computer / Sma

Scard Soft   

Profinacci Calculator

Published November 26, 2006 08 51 Published November 26, 2006 08 51This programm will help you to count Fibonacchi levels for uptrends and downtrends.

Marketivas (Suisse) SA   

S/W Solution

HS CODE 9013801090 Specification Feature

Webgate Inc.   

Interface-software for Schleuniger stripping machines

New RS232 Interface-software for Schleuniger stripping machines. New RS232 Interface-software for Schleuniger stripping machines. WinCoax replaces the old DOS-based version. It is userfriendly and ameliorates the machines data storage handling.


The Ultimate in Gaming

The Wirlwind blows your way with this super monster of a system The Wirlwind blows your way with this super monster of a system. To call this a gaming pc is a big understatement , just take peek at whats inside. clic pic for price

Nolan Gaming Pcs   

PCG's Wall Form System

BrandName PCG BrandName PCG PCG's versatile and innovative formwork panel system is efficient and multi-functional. PCG's versatile and innovative formwork panel system is efficient and multi-functional Application - Pile caps - Ground beams - RC Walls - Shear Wall - Tunnel Forms


VMS Software

Vehicle Management System is designed to record vehicle's information such as road tax

SoftEAC Sdn Bhd   


Compound Mode Integrated System Place of Origin Arizona United States Type ERP Compound Mode Integrated System Place of Origin Arizona United States Type ERP Megasoft is a trans-national Intellectual Property driven, product-based technology company. Established in 1994 in Virgin


library Check In system

Easy to move (wheels) Simple to operate Robust. Use of industrial electronics Check In The check-in of returned articles is done by check-in systems. This self-check in system can be used separately or in combination with the check - out system BenefitsEasy to move (wheels) Simpl


SDK software

Type Programming & Development Type Programming & Development SDK software With Prizm, remote debugging is as simple as local debugging.> Prizm provides breakpoint debugging as well as tracepoint debugging that is useful for time-sensitive quality assurance. Debugger doesn't stop

Mizi Research Inc.   

Mobile VOD/MOD Contents Authoring Tool

Type Networking & Server Type Networking & Server Mobile VOD/MOD Contents Authoring Tool Under the current multimedia environment mixed with different kinds of networks, systems, platforms, specifications, codecs, file formats, devices and terminals provided by various service pr

Varo Vision Co., Ltd   

Cylinder Assets Management software

Compound Mode Stand Alone Place of Origin Orissa India Brand Name Soft Solutions Type Management Compound Mode Stand Alone Place of Origin Orissa India Brand Name Soft Solutions Type Management This is a very good Assets Management software for Gas Manufacture / Distributor. Trac

Soft Solutions   

webShaper Template E-Commerce System

This project requires us to build a design template and integrate it into the webShaper e-commerce system This project requires us to build a design template and integrate it into the webShaper e-commerce system


TipSoft Software

TipSoft is the industry leading tip and intelligence management software.

Segment Security Services