Enliven your room with the floor that has been decorated with exclusively designed inlay floor panels Code MCF-272Description Enliven your room with the floor that has been decorated with exclusively designed inlay floor panels intricately inlaid on Marble Sizes available (cm) 60
t is the ideal product for urban pavement. The finishing can be Flamed or Sawn It is the ideal product for urban pavement. The finishing can be Flamed or Sawn, cut with disk or guillotine (split), depending on the style intended on the pavement. The union can be done to the bone
ModelNumber Models D & G ModelNumber Models D & G With 3 pieces of wood on the upper side, 90 mm widht each. Model D with 27 mm and Model G with 30 mm thickness. With 3 pieces of wood on the upper side, 90 mm widht each. Model D with 27 mm and Model G with 30 mm thickness.
We cover the construction of expressways and do out best to make roads with high quality
Kitchen and bathroom ceramics
Tile TEL 82-32-547-3302 FAX 82-32-547-3303 Address 3F, K&T Building, 1074-11, Gyesan-dong, Gyeyang-gu, Incheon, 407-050, KOREA