Fire Rated Steel Door

Fire Resistant - Approved 1 hour, 2 hours Fire Rated Doors Major Benefits 1. Fire Resistant - Approved 1 hour, 2 hours Fire Rated Doors 2. Strong - Do not warp, rot, twist, shrink or suffer from insect attacts such as termites. 3. Durable - Last the lifetime of the building. 1 mi

BFJ Global Trade Sdn Bhd   

Main Door Design Angel

Swing door WoodenDesign # Angel

Af Art Fibre Sdn Bhd   

DF Classic Series door

Thickness The Door 6 cm. The Clocks Kale Monoblock DF23 Product description Thickness The Door 6 cm. The Clocks Kale Monoblock Accessory First Classe Brass Backgammon a Point The Thickness of the Sheet Metal Frame 1,5 mm Panel 1,5 mm (DKP) Wood MDF 12 mm Hidden Cathcer

Kare Doorland Steel & Security Door   

entrance door Janosik CASET 68

Janosik Caset 68 are entrance doors with frame construction and insulating door plates. Janosik Caset 68 are entrance doors with frame construction and insulating door plates. Frame made from baulk profile 68 mm guarantee perfect shape stability. Typical design is outcome of comb

Janosik Okna - Dvere, s.r.o.   

Front Door

ModelNumber Eldy-4010 ModelNumber Eldy-4010 Front Door

Elstar ( Runfeng Industry& trade)   

Folding Door System Besam

Besam FD-O is a high performance folding door system which includes door liaves, jambs without the need of a transom The motor, control unit and transmission are combined into a compact unit, within the cover. The operator is connected to the door leaf with a range of different a

Koom Yang Industries Inc.   

ceramic stiffened steel door

Maximum of 3 00 hrs Temprature Specification@1250



Single door, Double door, Single door with partition, Double door with partition Aluflam A/S produces fire proof Doors with a range of classifications EI15 - EI30 - EI45 - EI60 - EI90 Variations Single door, Double door, Single door with partition, Double door with partition, Sin


Access doors

Model AAD-P Frame and door panels are fabricated from 22 gauge galvanized steel sheet. Frame is provided with 3 mm thick neoprene gasket all around to avoid air leakage. Door panel is internally insulated with 25 mm thick, 24 or 48 kg/m3 density fiber glass for thermal and acous

Airmaster Equipments Emirates LLC   


SLIDING DOOR SLIDING DOOR SYSTEM - All main profiles show with galvanized steel reinforcement sections.- The in-line patio door utilizes high security locking mechanisms.- Various style options can be accommodated through the use of different glazing beads.- This door is an ideal

Spectrel Joinery Pvt Ltd.   

Wood doors

Wood doors made of pine and oak timber. Minimal quantity on EXW - 100 pcs.

IP Shergov   

Type C60 Door

Durable, elegant, easy to use euro type, with accessories Durable, elegant, easy to use euro type, with accessories* Opening outwards and inwards.* High rate of utilization fields for offices and buildings.
