Commercial Swing Gate Operator

Residential & Commercial Swing Gate Operator with optional 24VDC battery back-up. Residential & Commercial Swing Gate Operator with optional 24VDC battery back-up. Includes irreversable mechanical stop feature and can handle gate leaf up to 16.5FT. Requires A824 control board.



ModelNumber SEH-132 ModelNumber SEH-132 Handles SEH-132

Swaroop Exports   

Floor Hinge

HS CODE 74 Selection Chart Features

Kumho Hardware Co., Ltd.   

Door Frames

Solid or Fingerjoint Edge Glued Primed or Raw Machined

Concannon Lumber   

CyberData VoIP Paging Gateway

CyberData VoIP Paging Gateway SIP based VoIP Paging Gateway for VoIP Interface with Existing Analog Paging Systems - 010846The CyberData VoIP Paging Gateway enables access to existing paging speakers through a VoIP phone system. The interface is designed to use an existing analog


Commerical and Architectural Aluminum Windows

Single Hung Line Frame Depth = 2-5/8" Full Welded Frame & Sashes Heavy-Duty Multi-Cavity Construction ~ ensures strength durability, & insulation. Insulated Glass Unit Depth = 7/8" PPG "Intercept" Insulated Glass Spacer ~ the "warm-edge" technology of choice.