Snap- Acting Temperature Controls

36T series of 1/2" Multi-Purpose Contral ( SPST, MR) Available in three single-pole, single-throw (SPST) switch action Typical Applications The 36T is applied to a wide variety of applications as either a regulating control or a safety limit. Examples of applications include ***


Ground / Earth Sensor

Sensors (RTDs & Thermocouples) Ground/Earth Sensor With more than 10 years experience for engineering team, Aurora Works Co., Ltd. is a market leader in the following field;

Aurora Works Co.,Ltd.   

Honeywell TS33C Temperature & Humidity Sensor with LCD

Honeywell TS33C Temperature & Humidity Sensor with LCDHoneywell TS33C Temperature & Humidity Sensor with LCD Price $24.95 For customer service and technical support on Honeywell Weather products, please visit Hideki Electronics at or call 1-866-443-3543.

Hideki Electronics, Inc:   

Proximity Sensors PS-50/PSM-7 Safety Interlock Proximity Sensor

Miniature Surface Sensor Adhesive Mount Low-Profile PSM-7 (Actuator/Magnet) PS-50/PSM-7 Safety Interlock Proximity Sensor PS-50 (Switch) PSM-7 (Actuator/Magnet)

George Risk Industries   

Passive Infrared (Thermal) Sensors

Specialists in physical premises security and safety of organizational installations LEAs, Diplomatic Missions We have a splendid team of criminologists, security experts and engineers; and a worldwide network to source proven solutions from leading companies. Moreover we assure

Xiao Luang (Pvt) Ltd   

E-Mon D-Mon Current Sensors 800 to 1600 Amp

E-Mon D-Mon Current Sensors 800 to 1600 Amp E-Mon D-Mon Current Sensors Split-Core or Solid Core Split Core 25A, 50A, 100A, 200A, 400A, 800A, 1600A, 3200A Available Solid Core 100A and 200A Come in sets of 3 Current sensors can be installed up to 2000' away from meter (500' for C   

MF72 NTC Thermistors

Power NTC Thermistor The MF72 series Power NTC Thermistors provide inrush current suppression Power NTC Thermistor The MF72 series Power NTC Thermistors provide inrush current suppression for sensitive electronics. Connecting a MF72 in series with the power source will limit the


Type L Remote Sensing Control (Liquid Filled)

Same as liquid direct except with remote sensor. Also in armored capillary - 16' - 6' - 3.3' Also available in - Temperature range 43


PresencePLUS P4 GEO Sensor

Has a complete line of Vision Sensors. This line of products includes the PresencePLUS Has a complete line of Vision Sensors. This line of products includes the PresencePLUS Pixel-Counting Sensor, PresencePLUS Pro Sensor and PresencePLUS P4 GEO. The PresencePLUS Pro Sensor and Pr

Industrial Sales Corporation   

Hall Effect-Based Linear Current Sensor

Price Rs.303.75 Feature The ACS712 provides economical and precise solutions for AC or DC current sensing in industrial, automotive, commercial, and communications systems. The device consists of a precise, low-offset, linear Hall sensor circuit with a copper conduction path loca

Nex Robotics Pvt. Ltd.   

Transducers: Huba

Pressure Range from -.5 - 30 bar Specifications Pressure Transmitter Refrigeration Technology Description Pressure Range from -.5 - 30 bar Signal 4/20ma. Wiring Diagram


Inclination sensor-INY360D-F99-2U2E2-V17

2 yellow LEDs Switching status (each output) Type Inclination sensor, 2-axis Measuring range 0 ... 360

PepperlFuchs (India) Private Limited,   

Silver Cup Electrode / Safety DIN Connector

Silver Cup Electrode / Safety DIN Connector High quality molded silver 10mm Cup Electrode with hole. 200 cm TInsel wire with Safety DIN Connector, multiple colors Not for sale in the US (FDA approval pending)


Glass Break Detector

Low Temperature Sensor Alerts the monitoring center when the temperature in your home drops below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Perfect for homes located in a cold climate. Special order item, shipped separately, please allow extra time to arrive.

Protect America, Inc.   

Model 482 High Gain Thermally Compensated Pyroelectric IR Detector

Model 482 consists of two lithium tantalate sensing elements, a load Model 482 consists of two lithium tantalate sensing elements, a load resistor and a JFET sealed into a TO- 18 transistor package with an optical filter. One centrally located sensing element is exposed to infrar

Silverlight Ltd.   

Thermal Sensors Low Power-3 A P FS

Low power light sources, divergent beams Thermal (Thermopile) Sensors - Low Powers to 50W Ophir has the widest selection of power sensors for low average powers in the industry. From the popular 3A series that can reliably measure down to tens of microwatts and microjoules to the

Ophir-Spiricon Inc.   

FX-100 Series Fiber Sensors

FX-100 Series Fiber Sensors Amplifier with dual display Amplifier with dual display Teach in function Threshold values adjust automatically M8 connector or cable FX-100 Series Fiber Sensors


Grain Drill Population Sensor

Our Price $75.50 Product Code HRGD-WP Grain Drill Population Sensor Our Price $75.50 Product Code HRGD-WP Description The SENSOR-1 Grain Drill Population Sensors have three infrared lights to provide the capability of monitoring high-rate population when drilling soybeans, or oth


Motion Sensors

Our passive Infrared motion sensors are designed for superior detection of body heat and motion. Our passive Infrared motion sensors are designed for superior detection of body heat and motion.

First Response of TN LLC