Gas Sensor

STK-4000 Target Gas General air contaminant- Application Air quality control

Sentech Korea Corp.   

Catalytic Sensor

KGS 501 Application Fixed Type- Operating Voltage 2.20 V - Current > 340mA - Output Sensitivity 40 5 mV / % methane

Korea New Ceramics Co.Ltd.   

Platinum temperature sensors

Platinum temperature sensor elements are part of our long established product range

UST Umweltsensortechnik GmbH   

basic pressure sensors

Usable for wet/wet applications Surface mount miniature package

Sensortechnics GmbH   


Low Cost Alternative - Imported PRX+890100 Sensors

Hermetic Switch, Inc   

narrowband transmitters

narrowband transmitters The T35 transmitter features a powerful microprocessor, sleek digital display, and easy-to-use menu controls. Quickly choose between Voice, Music, or Hearing Assistance in the Application Preset menu. The T35 configures itself to the appropriate setting ta

Barinas Translation Consultants, Inc.   


Electronic pressure control with relative pressure sensor for direct installation either on or within a device. Thanks to the ro Electronic pressure control with relative pressure sensor for direct installation either on or within a device. Thanks to the robust ceramic-sensor tec

Condor USA, Inc.   

Thermal Element Sensors

Thermal element is applied on sub tank of transmission, Continuous control by Bi-Metal material Operating range on temperature -40

Inzi Controls Co.,Ltd   

wind sensor

wind sensor The gonioanemometer is a wind direction sensor. In the C100D and C500D models the measuring system is a Potentiometer, in the C500D models it is digital encoder. In The C600D models the processor calculates the trigonometric Progressive average on a programmable acqui


Gas sensor

Gas sensor Description Measures the amount of gas (alcohol, LPG, CO, etc) flowing into the upper part by sensing the variation of resistance caused by the change of conductivity. This is an inorganic sensor produced in the way of PECVD used with a-Fe2O3. Reacts to the amount of g

K- Won Electrinics Co.   

AirCon Sensor

AirCon Sensor HS CODE 91 For sensing the inside and outside room temperature putting in air conditioner.

Shinsung Electronics Industries, Ltd.   

SLL 18 Mini Sensor

Detection Distance 6m (MAX, SensLights Model Specification Detection Range 360

Multitasking Inductor Electronic Co, LTD   

Active incal sensor

Active incal sensor Operating features Features

Siemems Vdo Halla Co.,Ltd.   

Maverick Check Encoder (Exception Item high volume) - M560

Maverick M560 Micr Exception Item check Encoder Series offers exception item check encoding in a heavy duty check encoder. Field programmable Integrated document holder Power eject Super twist LCD Display 3400 documents per hour Full field encoding 22 programmable field keys

Ace Business Machines, INC.   

Brick and Oven Sensors

Brick and Oven Sensors



Solid Clear Molding Compound
