LC150X02, 170WXN, 171W03, 190WX1, 201V1, 420WXN

Place of Origin Seoul South Korea Place of Origin Seoul South Korea We have many kind of LCD panel.... H Hur Best Regards name. If you want anymodel, please send to us your request medel no and brand Our panel's origin is almost South Korea. But we don't write all kind of LCD pan

Fgate Co.,ltd.   


For New Flat Panel XY Stage XY Stage for New Flat Panel -Correspond to New Size Flat Panel for Large Area -Valid Stroke Range of 1360mm

GKS CO., LTD.   

RF Front-End Module

Model Number FM2422 Model Number FM2422 RF Front-End Module IEEE 802.11b DSSS WLAN IEEE 802.11g OFDM WLAN 2.4 GHz Cordless Phones 2.4 GHz ISM Radios

Epic Communications, inc.   

Open Frame

OT-!17 CRT OT-!17 CRT Open Frame model ensures excellent visual perception and long service life. OT-C17 CRT possesses dust and water resistance feature for rugged environment applications.

PlastGame company   

LCD Module

LCD Module, One Touch Hinge, Folder Hinge, Free Stop Hinge, Rotary Hinge, Vertical Hinge


accessory modules

8 Digital Inputs 8 Digital Inputs 4 Relay outputs 2 Analog Inputs 2 Analog outputs

Selec india   

Mill Module

"front-line", rapid response system for the detection of strip-marking vibrations. AVAS Mill Module - "front-line", rapid response system for the detection of strip-marking vibrations. Designed to be an early warning system mainly for the benefit of the mill operator, and other s

UNiViB Ltd.   


Code HITACHI LMG6590OULFCode HITACHIPrice $12.95Quantity in Basket none

Brigar Electronics Inc   

Graphics LCD modules

SL32240A-090115 Graphics LCD Module with STN Color and CCFL Backlight Resolution 320 x 240 dots Color RGB LCD type 8 bits data bus 1/240 duty cycle Power supply 3 to 5V Built-in N V.

Suntai International Co Ltd   

Input and Output module

MK-TF9134 Audio Evacuation MK-TF9134 Audio Evacuation

Technovator Int Pte Ltd   

Sell LCD TV Panels

Place of Origin Taiwan Place of Origin Taiwan CERATOM is a Taiwan leading supplier for many brand line distributing of 17" ~ 65" TFT-LCD TV Panels. CERATOM INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD. NO. 817, SEC. 2, YUNG HWA RD., TAINAN, TAIWAN. R O.C. Tel. +886-6-2979966 Fax +886-6-2955980 Jack Li


Open Frame

109.4*52.0*28.0 mm SSF-0201-1 10W 3.3V 3A

Sea Sonic Electronics Co., Ltd.   


HIGH RESOLUTION MODULE AH-320C 1/3" Sony SuperHAD CCD High Resolution over 480TV Lines DIP S/W Function Back Light Compensation High Resolution Vivid Sharp Picture 3.6mm Lens DC 12V 180mA 32(W) X 32(H) X 33(D)mm


Multimedia Display

61XM3 Wide XGA Multimedia Display 61XM3 Wide XGA Multimedia DisplayThe Latest Generation PlasmaSync 61XM3 family pushes the Enhanced Spli t Screen performance to extremes, mainly in TV conference systems and P resentation systems. 16 9 Aspect Ratio1,365 x 768 Pixel Resolution0.99



ABM2 DE-ABM2 support two options of antenna, one is a built in antenna and another is coaxial cable connected antenna (50 ohm). DE-ABM2 is a DUALis Multil contactless Plug&Play module which supports ISO14443 type A/B, Mifare, ISO15693 and Atmel cryptoRF These module provide a use

Dual I Inc.   


EPP is suitable to pack precision machinery due to its excellent external impact absorptiveness and dynamic stability.

MPIC Corporation   

AN040M,Color video Door Phone Intercom

Color video Door Phone IntercomOffice electronic equipmentInstrument & Measure applianceMachinery & EquipmentAudiovisual equ Color video Door Phone IntercomOffice electronic equipmentInstrument & Measure applianceMachinery & EquipmentAudiovisual equipment(Car display, Portable DV

anchor security