Type Compressor Oil Type Compressor Oil Compressor oil full synthetic
Place of Origin South Korea Place of Origin South Korea Conning oil TEL 82-55-343-0051 FAX 82-55-345-1804 Address 1005, Byeongdong-ri, Hallim-myeon, Gimhae-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, KOREA
Package 210 Litres HDPE Carbuoys / MS Drums Payment Terms Demand Draft / Cheque General Composition Anti-wear Specification ISO 6743/4 HM DIN HM DIN 51524-2 HLP VICKERS I 286 S, CINCINNATI P 68/P69/P70 Type Liquid Application Industrial Lubricant Brand Name Elf / Total Place of O
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For blacking metals like iron, stainless, copper, aluminum, and POM (POLYACETAL) and ABS resin
Fuel System Treatment (SUPER-RUN) - Specially blended with detergent additives to clean and maintain the entire fuel delivery system - Saves fuel and reduces engine noise - Helps improve engine performance and power- Removes harmful gum and varnish deposits from entire fuel syste
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Standard multigarde automotive engine oil whice provide excellent performance in gasoline engines . API SC/CCMIL-L-46152CMIL-L-2104BGM 6048/6085MFORD M2C-513
Super HT Aluminium Complex Transparent Grease Manufacturing with modern technology With extreme pressure EP additives High temperature performance up to 260 -310
Loosens dirt, scales, rust and seized parts. Lubricates moving parts Loosens dirt, scales, rust and seized parts. Lubricates moving parts, pivots, and contacts. Displaces moisture. Provides excellent electrical protection under conditions of high humidity, salt water, acidic or c
A Super Duty all season, long drain fuel efficient Automotive crankcase Engine oil API CE/ CF-4 /CF/SG MIL-L-2104E E-DL 4/ E-PL3 OfIS 136562002 Bulk, 210, 50, 20, 10, 7.5, 5 & 1 Ltrs A Super Duty all season, long drain fuel efficient Automotive crankcase Engine oil recommended fo