Tri-Trenabol oil

Brand Name STMG Place of Origin Italy Brand Name STMG Place of Origin Italy Tri-Trenabol injection oil Trinabol is a combination of three esters of trenbolone (Trenabolone Acetate, Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, Trenbolone Enanthate). The presence of the acetate ester allow


we are end seller of Motor oil, engine oil, Hydraulic oil, Gear oil,Bitumen40/50, 60/70, 85/100, MC250.

Motor oil, engine oil, Hydraulic oil, Gear oil, Marin oil, Grease,Bitumen40/50, 60/70, 85/100. oil(Q)iran-commerce ir oil(att)iran-commerce ir Fax +98-21-66962842 Mob +0098-912126653 Tehran-Iran Manager Ali Akbar Karami Best Regards And any additional information. 7) Destination

KARAMI Trade   

motor oil sae 30

Application Automotive Lubricant Application Automotive Lubricant High-quality, multipurpose motor oil AE 30 developed for application in heavy-duty motor-and-tractor diesels . Kinematic viscosity, mm?/s at 100

Vamp Ltd   

Electronical contact lubricants ( BERULUB FK 64 )

BERULUB FK 64 is a fully synthetic and low-viscous grease. To lubricate and protect electrical contact systems The above data correspond to latest technology, modifications reserved. This information is intended as a guide and does not necessarily represent a marketing specificat


Ferryl 202 Standard Anticorrosive Grease

The Ferryl Products Range is an anticorrosive range of greases and oils, plastic compounds, and cleaning products. Ferryl 202 Standard is used by customers big and small worldwide for over 50 years because of superior quality and good price. 1. Rust Inhibitors 2. Rubberized Binde

Goldcrest International (S) Pte Ltd   

WD 40 lubricant

WD 40 Code 6527 Description Description Multipurpose spray lubricant, Description Multipurpose spray lubricant, can be used as WATERPROOF PROTECTING FILM ANTICORROSION FILM LUBRICANT PENETRATING FLUID ABLE TO RELEASE SEIZED COMPOUND DETERGENT WD 40

Monti & Barabino S.p.A   

Soluble Cutting fluids Mobilcut

The Mobilcut 200 Series are high performance, multi-purpose water soluble, semi-synthetic cutting Typical Properties Grade 222 232 242 Concentrate Appearance Amber Liquid Amber Liquid Green Liquid Density @ 20C 0.99 0.967 0.973 Dilution Appearance @ 3% Translucent Semi - Transluc

Gagan Gases Limited   


PRODUCT DESCRIPTION Pale coloured low viscosity oil based on solvent refined hydrocarbon oil and special polar additives PRODUCT DESCRIPTION NEO CUT CF 25 is a medium viscosity, cholorine- free neat cutting oil containing high content of lubricity agent and extreme pressure add


SHE-ADV-VSX-4T Lubricant

Unique ID Product Code Description 24611 SHE-ADV-VSX-4T Shell Advance VSX 4T Available in 1 litre It is specifically formulated for four-stroke motorcycles, renowned for engine protection and ensuring superior engine cleaniliness in every road condition. Superior gear shift perfo

Multi Motors (K.K) Sdn. Bhd.   

Brake Fluid

Model Number AJ331 General Composition Other Specification Other Type Liquid Application Automotive Lubricant Brand Name AJ Chemical Lubricants & Equipment Co. Place of Origin New Jersey United States Model Number AJ331 General Composition Other Specification Other Type Liquid Ap

AJ Chemical Lubricants & Equipment Co.   


is a blend of refined mineral oil base stock and selective from non corrosive sulphurized fatty oils to provide stable oil film APPLICATIONS & RECOMMENDATION A non - staining type neat cutting oil and is a blend of refined mineral oil base stock and selective from non corrosive

Toshi Group of Industries   

Synthetic oil-based HI-LUBE MG-0102 grease

Synthetic oil-based greaseHome-use audio-visual equipment (CD and DVD players) Synthetic oil-based greaseHome-use audio-visual equipment (CD and DVD players)

HARVES Co., Ltd.   

SPEX 1 Lubricant

Special formulation engineered to penetrated into chain link pins & brushes leaving thin micronised graphite solids NOTES BENEFITS TYPICAL APPLICATION FRANCOL CHAIN OIL SPEX 1 is a semi-fluid fully sprayable chain lubricant. Special formulation engineered to penetrated into chain

Vibro Technologies & Engineering Pte Ltd   


These products are blended from highly refined base oils and carefully selected antioxidants, anticorrosion, antiwear and These products are blended from highly refined base oils and carefully selected antioxidants, anticorrosion, antiwear and antifoam additives.

Bharat Oil & Waste Management Ltd.   

long-life multigrade engine oil 15W40 SL/CH4

A modern long-life multigrade engine oil. Its unique composition guarantees an efficient functioning of the engine ULTRASPEED API SAE 15W40 SL/CH4 Description A modern long-life multigrade engine oil. Its unique composition guarantees an efficient functioning of the engine, as we



CROWN EXTREME PRESSURE GREASES are multifunctional extreme pressure lithium soap greases CROWN EXTREME PRESSURE GREASES are multifunctional extreme pressure lithium soap greases manufactured from high V I. base oils and fortified with carefully selected extreme pressure additives

Emirates Crown Lubricants Co.Ltd   

QUARTZ 7000 10W40 Engine Oil

TOTAL QUARTZ 7000 10W-40 is perfectly adapted to vehicles equiped with catalysts and using unleaded fuel TOTAL LUBRIFIANTS 16, rue de la R


Greases - VNII NP-225

It is organic-silicon fluid thickened with fine dyspersated molybdenum disulphide Properties It is organic-silicon fluid thickened with fine dyspersated molybdenum disulphide. The fluid also has stabilizing additive. It is used in threaded joints and high loaded low-speed units.

Aquiline International Corp.   

Engine Oils Prista(R) Super

Description PRIST(R)multigrade engine oils are developed for application in the older automotive engines PRISTA? SUPER multigrade engine oils are intended for application in both gasoline and diesel engines, demanding lubricants of API CF/SF performance level. Engine cleanliness

Prista Oil Yag. San. Tic. Ltd. Sti.