Application Matt Coating Application Matt Coating Hydraulic Oils Hydraulic Oils
Smells' Fragrances are popular due to their price and multiple uses. Smells' Fragrances are popular due to their price and multiple uses. They can be used in aroma lamps, oil burners, diffusers, and potpourri fresheners. All oils are sold in boxes of 12 units per fragrance. We ha
Application Matt Coating Application Matt Coating For Automotive Parts Grease Feature
Waterproof PG Level General Composition Complex Agent Waterproof PG Level General Composition Complex Agent Joint repair and lubrication formula Joint repair and lubrication formula
0.95 litre can. For Super Evac pump. ISO grade 32. 0.95 litre can. For Super Evac pump. ISO grade 32.
Package - 4 Liter/pail- 6 pails/carton Application Matt Coating Specification Matt Lamination Waterproof ISO Model Number Ultra Super General Composition Additives Brand Name Sharlu Place of Origin United Arab Emirates Application Matt Coating Specification Matt Lamination Waterp
giving them very high surface resistivity even under moisture condensing conditions. Silicone Grease Anabonds Silicone Grease is a single component modified silicone system. It does not harden or dry out or melt even after 1000 Hours @ 200
Type Liquid Type Liquid Emulsol T Grade A Emulsol T Grade A (manufactured by "POLYEFIR" LLC)TU 6-14-254-87 with am. 1,2Emulsol T Grade A is a mixture of triethanolamine saline of oleic acid (grade OM) and a mineral oil Range of useEmulsol T is used as a component of coolant-cutti
Application Matt Coating BrandName Farmtrac Application Matt Coating BrandName Farmtrac Genuine Engine oil
Application Matt Coating Type Gloss Varnish Application Matt Coating Type Gloss Varnish Automotive Lubricating Greases
BOC Circulatingis oil recommended for industrial applications in which oil is recirculated or reused for extensive periods. It is also suitable for plain and antifriction bearings in equipments, such as electric motors, pumps, textile machinery and machine tools . BOC circulating
Waterproof Biodegradable General Composition Base Oil Waterproof Biodegradable General Composition Base Oil Color 3-4 Now PRA CO. is the first hand producer and supplier of RECYCLED BASE OIL SN 500 with the following specifications Flash point 205-215
OILS this activity is developed in a modern systemized plant, operated by 15 persons per shift. OILS this activity is developed in a modern systemized plant, operated by 15 persons per shift. The plant is in operations since August 98. Its daily maximum capacity is 700 tons. of s
Type Liquid Type Liquid High lubricity High release properties Features High lubricity High release properties High yield of application Improved uniformity levels High air bleeding capacity Longer bladder life Reduced level of scrap Non contaminating Improved inside tire appeara