AX0009 water improver

Industrial 4 Size 4" Flow Rate 615 - 1900 LT/MIN Product Code AX0009 Order

PTH Water Improver   

Sell RO membrane BW30-400FR

Brand Name FILMTEC Place of Origin United States Brand Name FILMTEC Place of Origin United States FILMTEC, MADE IN USA If you need,please inquiry us. we provide you best price and service.


Tubular Backwash System Parts

Replacement Elements & Bags Single tube units are often used for batch processes. However, by periodically backwashing a filter element with a clean liquid, a Tubular Backwash element can be regenerated in place. Tubular Backwash units can also be used in continuous flow applicat

SAMCO Technologies, Inc.   


Hang up those tools, there's an easier way to clean your in-ground and above-ground pool. The PoolShark The PoolShark dives in and attacks dirt in two ways Multiple rows of sequeegee-like fins dislodge stubborn dirt, while the oscillating vortex action powerfully vacuums away sma

Guiton's Pool Center, Inc.   

3M Filtrete DP02DC-4 4-Inch Air Filters (2-pack)

Qty Units Required Must Be > 0 and In Stock Manufacturer 3M Filtrete 3M Filtrete DP02DC-4 4-Inch Air Filters (2-Pack)

commercial water distributing   

Reverse Osmosis Systems

4800 to 48 000 Litres per day The RO process removes most of the dissolved mineral salts, almost all of the particulate matter and most of the dissolved organic compounds. The driving force of the reverse osmosis process is driven by both the feed water pressure and the concentra



Pond Care Stress Coat removes chlorine and replaces the natural slime coating of fish. ITEM # DESCRIPTION PRICE ORDER WT/SC16 Stress Coat 16 fl oz. (Treats 1,920 gal.) $14..00 WT/SC64 Stress Coat 64 fl oz. (Treats 7,680 gal.) $36.00 Pond Care Stress Coat removes chlorine and repl


Wastewater Treatment Equipment:Lamella Clarifier Graver

Lamella Clarifier Graver GRAVER LAMELLA CLARIFIER Removable Plates - Individual plates in the GRAVER lamella are easily removable, even when the unit is in operation. This design permits a single operator to easily inspect, clean, or remove plates without the assistance of mechan


UV system WEDECO K series

WEDECO K series highly-productive, durable and highest energy-efficiency The Spektrotherm? lamp. Long lamp service life Less susceptible to coating formation on the quartz sleeves due to low Uv lamp temperature Very low headloss Optimized energy cost and operating lamp life due t


Industrial / Commercial Reverse Osmosis Systems

Industrial / Commercial Reverse Osmosis Systems 14,400 21,600 GPD Specifications / Prices - RO24 Series Three models and two designs options for flow rates up to 15 GPM. Standard features (package #1) Power coated steel frame FRP multi-port pressure vessels Pre-filter housing and

Watermakers, Inc.   

Trunz Water Unit TWU 002

The TWU 002 solar water treatment system is complete and ready to deploy Trunz Water Unit TWU 002 The TWU 002 solar water treatment system is complete and ready to deploy. It provides approx. 8'000 liters of clean potable water per day from non saline source water. Powered by hig

Water4all cc   


water SYSTEM Produces no waste water Water on-demand system. (no tank required) Removes sediment, silt, turbidity etc Removes chlorine and organics Produce great tasting water Remove odors & colors Comes with everything you need to install under your sink

SpectraPure Inc.   

waste water treatment ITT-RO

ITT-RO solutions to offer an alternative to depleted water resources used for reverse osmosis systems The purpose of the use of low-capacity ITT-RO mini reverse osmosis systems, industrial purposes or the provision of drinking water reverse osmosis systems for high-end consists o


Filter systems

The Waterman believes that biologically safe water is our main concern Please refer to the table for a quick comparison between the popular systems The Waterman believes that biologically safe water is our main concern. That is why we do not sell filter units that only improve th

The Waterman   

B&B Pellet Chlorinator Model Mark V

Designed for residential use Uses EPA- registered, 3/8" dry chlorine pellets. Holds approximately 3 lbs Sale Price $ 580.00 Shipping $ 35.00 B&B Pellet Chlorinator Model Mark V


UV Disinfection --SUN Series - Chambered Treatment Systems 1 to Millions US GPD

The SUN Series of chambered ultraviolet disinfection systems is designed to treat unlimited flows Optional Features Standard Features Typical Installations Product Highlights Applications

Village Timber Contractors   

Sterilization UV Equipment

Cartrigde activated carbon is combined with 5 micron filtration, manufactured from carbon powder Remarkable combined 3 in 1 (Fe complex, Mn, H2S) Applied with the best advance, manganese greensand, of USA technolygy with auto-operation. Save investment cost compared with traditio

Vietfilter corporation   

WM 120 - Versatile Water maker

Model Number WM 120 Brand Name Watermaker Model Number WM 120 Brand Name Watermaker WM 120 - Versatile Watermaker Mobile units are also available. From a villa in Porto Vallarta, Mexico, to offices in Mumbai, from Africa, Europe, and all the way to Sydney, Australia, this solid w

WaterMaker India   

Wastewater Treatment Equipment

Wastewater Treatment Equipment Contact Information n/a Model Wastewater Treatment Equipment Product Name

Kao Chen Machinery Industrial Co., Ltd.   

ro water filter Tank Level Controls

Reverse Osmosis System Tank Level Controls Turns system on/off with tank level. Dual Float assembly for system on/off; Triple Float assembly for system on/off and low level protection for repressurization pump (not included). For use with atmospheric storage tank (sold separately

Applied Membranes, Inc