The water treatment equipment is one of the necessaries of the whole production lines of water and beverages. The package set is full automatic and its different sizes are functional for consumed water of the factory. Moreover, the processes of liquids filtering, refining and ...
Vafa industerial Group [Environment] [Water Treatment]
Surface water from rivers or lakes is the most variable source of raw water and the most easily accessible.Even though the salinity is normally moderately low because of reduced contact with the soil, it happens sometimes that water treatment plants located on rivers estuaries ...
Bono Energia Spa [Environment] [Water Treatment]
This category includes industrial spray accessories like Split Eyeless Connectors: consist of two moulded clamps around the tube, two fastening bolts, a gasket resistant to the more used chemical products and a connector body. Made in Cadmium plated iron with brass connector ...
Tecsi S. R. L. [Environment] [Water Treatment]
This compact compression system is the recommended choice in those cases where regulations do not require explosion-proof bunkers, or when the existing installations have to be replaced. " Telecontrol: both models can be remotely controlled through a simple Internet connection. ...
Gnc Galileo [Environment] [Water Treatment]
BIODIESEL: the revolution on renewable fuels=> BD2 modules for 400 to 4000 L/day here!PV systems here! Wind turbines here! NEW! Vacuum water heaters here! AC Hydroelectric MicroTurbines up to 165 L/s flowINNOVATIVE!! AC 50/60hz PMG synchronous minihydroturbines-->Prices here!DC ...
Abatec S. A. [Environment] [Water Treatment]
The move towards reducing maritime pollution leads many marinas toward a "greener" approach to the operation of their boat wash down facility.We at Kirton have deen developing a solution. Our Series Sea-Clean is a fully transportable packaged recycle system providing the answer ...
Kirton Engineering Limited [Environment] [Water Treatment]
NCST series water tanks are specially designed to be compatible with solar heating systems.Rigid, polyurethane foam insulation keeps heat in the tank. Meets or exceeds the most demanding energy efficiency standards without an extra insulation blanket. Electric element assists ...
Hanania Investment Group [Environment] [Water Treatment]
Place of Origin:Maharashtra India We manufacture ceramic foam filters suitable for filtration of metals like ductile iron, aluminum, c ...
Dynocast [Environment] [Water Treatment]
Black Star Enterprises LLC [Environment] [Water Treatment]
Brand Name:KORVAN Place of Origin:Gyeonggi-do South Korea The most valuable water tank in the world ...
KORVAN [Environment] [Water Treatment]