brand Cleaver Brooks Cleaver Brooks provides fully integrated boiler room systems that are backed by service support and resources. The company has over 350 type of packaged steam or hot water boilers, which can be operated, using gas, oil, electric or alternate fuels. Cleaver Br
Features Specifications SZL8 water tube chain grate. There are upper and lower drums vertically laid long boiler main body. Front part of upper drum and water tube at both sides forms radiation heating surface .tubes between rear part of upper and lower drum forms convection surf
Style Horizontal Pressure High Pressure Structure Fire Tube Usage Industrial Output Steam Fuel Gas-fired Brand Name HARTLEY & SUGDEN Place of Origin United Kingdom Style Horizontal Pressure High Pressure Structure Fire Tube Usage Industrial Output Steam Fuel Gas-fired Brand Name
By using the programmed timer, you can control the 'HEATING/OFF' functions ConvenienceBy using the programmed timer, you can control the 'HEATING/OFF' functions inside your room, & program the 'HEATING' function 24 hours in advance Low noiseEquipped with a special burner and nois
Size 1 - 3 60 - 630 KW Size 5 - 11 200 - 4750 KW The burners can be used on heating appliances such as hot water boilers, steam boilers, air heaters and for certain heating processes. The burners are used in particular on modern boilers with high ratings as they can overcome high
The FLUIDPAC is high efficiency, single drum, water tube, natural circulation, balanced draft Parameter Values Capacity 3 to 6 TPH (F&A 100
Ratings 50kg/hr to 6800kg/hr Working Pressures 6.9 & 10.34 bar (Designs available to 20 bar) The BIB Cochran Borderer features a full wet back design for maximum efficiency. A key element is the boiler s compact design. The small floor area taken by the Borderer makes it ideal fo
Domestic hot water heating boilers "Don"- is independence from central heating plans and existence of electric energy 14080 76 83.5 Item Name Boiler's model DON 16 DON 16V DON 20V KS-T 16 KS-TG 16 KS-TV 16 KS-GV 16 KS-TGVm 16 KS-TGVm16 / 20 Heating capacity, kW/h 16 16 16 16 16 1
Available in outputs up to 12,000 lb/hr (5,443kg/hr) Standard equipment includes pressure jet or rotary cup combustion equipment, steam and water mountings, feed water level controls, feed pump, integral wiring, insulation and cladding. an extencive stock of spares is available f
Condensing Boiler The condensing boiler includes a heat pipe-type air heater and an economizer to retrieve the hidden heat from discharged gas and vapor and to improve the energy efficiency by more than 100%. This all-in-one type equipment includes a fan, a water pump, a control
Single-stage for baking ovens from 23 kW to 232 kW 232 116 200.000 100.000 GAS X 4 F 174 70 150.000 60.000 GAS X 3 F 93 40,6 80.000 35.000 GAS X 2 F single-phase 58 23,2 50.000 20.000 GAS X 1 F max min max min kW cal/h Electrical power supply Capacity Single-stage
"SB/V" (9.8-11.7-14.7 bar) 3 Smoke Turns Steam boiler from 2,000 to 20,000 kg/hr Manufacturers civil and industrials boilers of various potentialities and typology that take care to the energical recovery and to the international rules. IVAR s r.l.
Capacity 500 Kg / hr. to 15000 Kg. / hr. Oil Fuel Fired IBR Steam Boiler Capacity 500 Kg / hr. to 15000 Kg. / hr. Pressure 10.5 Kg / cm 2 to 21 Kg / cm 2 Fuel Coal, Wood, Agrowaste Salient Features Space saving, Compact Design Fully Automatic Operations Large Combustion area
Veesons Make, 3 Pass Boiler. Year of make 2005 W. Pressure 10.5 Kg/cm sq. (150 LBS/PSI) Rating 120 sq. mtr Capacity 4 Tons/hr Makers name Veesons Make We are offering a boiler with following specifications -
Since the front part of boiler can be opened completely in its bolt assembly method Since the front part of boiler can be opened completely in its bolt assembly method, it is easy to perform repair/maintenance. Since this boiler adopts a fully-automatic system by one-touch method
Range From 100,000 5,000,000 Kcal/hr. Range From 100,000 5,000,000 Kcal/hr Max operating temperature 320 c Operating pressure 5-6 barg Any kind of fuel to be done, heavy oil, natural gas,Biogas and also dual fuel Boiler to be construction under Germany standard
NPC Ethylene Pyrolysis Furnace JNK supplied two(2) STR-b cracking heaters under the Lummus license to National Petrochemical Public Co., Ltd. in Thailand. (THAI NPC SRT-b.)
SA 209 T1 Seamless carbon-molybdenum alloy steel boiler and superheater tubes