The pipe roll forming machine is a high-quality, high-efficiency rounding device for winding carbon steel, stainless steel and non-ferrous metal profiles (round tubes, angle steels, grooved steel, pipes, etc.) into rings and flanges. The tube roll forming machine is one of the ty

Jiangyin Bosj Science And Technology Co Ltd      [2023-04-28 11:59:36 ]


Overview of deck roll forming machine The color plate produced by discharging, forming and post-forming cutting has a flat appearance, uniform paint, high strength and durability. Good metal deck roll forming machine is the key to good plate production. The colored steel plate en

Jiangyin Bosj Science And Technology Co Ltd      [2023-04-28 11:58:55 ]


OSJ Light Gauge steel framing roll former is suited to construct walls, floors and roofs for 1 – 3 level residential, modular and transportable units, and light commercial construction. Features of Light Gauge Steel Framing C Purlin Roll Forming Machine Good price, Fast deliver

Jiangyin Bosj Science And Technology Co Ltd      [2023-04-28 11:58:09 ]


Cold roll forming technology has been widely used for its energy saving, environmental protection and high efficiency. Highway guardrail machine products have also been widely used in many industries such as construction, bridges, vehicle manufacturing, container production, and

Jiangyin Bosj Science And Technology Co Ltd      [2023-04-28 11:57:31 ]


A highway guardrail roll forming machine or a crash guard roll forming machine produced by the most common profile wave guardrail used in highway construction. Based on the transmission, we can design different types of machines, chain brackets, highway guardrail forming machine,

Jiangyin Bosj Science And Technology Co Ltd      [2023-04-28 11:55:30 ]


The development of Steel Silo Roll Forming Machine and steel silo has a history of more than 100 years, from riveting warehouse, welding warehouse, assembly warehouse, to the technical warehouse of the WDCPO steel warehouse patent group technology, steel warehouse The development

Jiangyin Bosj Science And Technology Co Ltd      [2023-04-28 11:54:15 ]

Distributed OPC UA I/O Coupler quickly access to industrial field PLC SCADA System

ProfiNet IO Coupler BL201专为工业实时以太网设计,采用嵌入式Linux系统,配备实时以太网接口芯片和双端口存储器,支持配备PHY或现场总线的实时以太网的两个通信通道,兼容PROFINET ,具有读/写功能的快速 SPI 主机接

BLIIOT      [2023-04-24 11:05:30 ]

Industrial BACnet distributed IO coupler for building Automation and HVAC BL207

BL207 is distributed IO coupler based on BACnet IP technology, it supports BACnet IP protocol and widely used in building Automation, HAVC, etc. It adopts dual network port technology of unique MAC layer data exchange technology to realize cascade, the downtime of intermediate eq

BLIIOT      [2023-04-23 14:10:07 ]

BLIIOT Industrial 4.0 OPC UA I/O Controller BL205

BL205是基于OPC UA技术的分布式边缘计算IO控制器,支持OPC UA协议。采用嵌入式硬件,主频380MHz,基于Linux操作系统,采用独特的MAC层数据交换技术的双网口技术实现级联,中间设备宕机不影响后续设备的数据传输.

BLIIOT      [2023-04-23 14:07:27 ]

Next-generation Industrial IoT Remote MQTT I/O controller BL206

MQTT IO Controller BL206 is a new type of I/O system that supports MQTT protocol, built-in programmable logic control, edge computing, AWS and other Cloud Engines. it suitable for IIoT Application and Industrial Automation.

BLIIOT      [2023-04-23 13:47:53 ]

PLC Modbus DLT645 to MQTT OPC UA IoT Gateway for boiler monitoring

Industrial IoT Gateway BL110 is a rugged industrial IoT gateway, especially suitable for industrial IoT, for realizing IT and OT integration, OT and cloud platform communication. Industrial IoT Gateway BL110 used to convert Modbus, Modbus TCP, DLT645, PLC, BACnet MS/TP, BACnet/IP

BLIIOT      [2023-04-21 17:55:41 ]

PLC  to OPC UA MQTT Converter IoT Gateway BL102 Used for Energy Consumption Monitoring in Textile Mills

Industrial IoT Gateway BL110 is a rugged industrial IoT gateway, especially suitable for industrial IoT, for realizing IT and OT integration, OT and cloud platform communication. Industrial IoT Gateway BL110 used to convert Modbus, Modbus TCP, DLT645, PLC, BACnet MS/TP, BACnet/IP

BLIIOT      [2023-04-21 17:53:40 ]

Multiple channel thermocouple input with 16 Bit AD remote data acquisition module 

DAM128远程数据采集模块专为工业自动化测量系统设计,专业MCU控制器,非线性处理算法,精度高,性能稳定,抗干扰能力强。支持B、E、J、K、N、R、S、T热电偶,8通道热电偶输入。1 RS485支持标准的MODBUS-RTU通讯协

BLIIOT      [2023-04-21 17:37:04 ]

high-precision AD acquisition data processing PT100 to RS485 remote data acquisition module

1.标准Modbus-RTU,兼容性好,编程方便; 2.RS485串口ESD保护电路; 3.具有反接保护的宽范围电源; 4.内置看门狗确保可靠性; 5.防雷保护确保其稳定性; 6.12位分辨率高精度AD采集和数据处理技术; 7.4 铂电阻温度计

BLIIOT      [2023-04-21 17:31:28 ]

Industrial class high precision Dual Ethernet Remote I/O Module for industrial automation

Modbus MQTT Ethernet Remote I/O Module M160T/E is an industrial class, isolated designed, high reliability, high stability, and high precision data acquisition module, embedded 32-Bit High-Performance Microprocessor MCU, Integrated 1/2 Industrial 10/100M adaptive Ethernet module

BLIIOT      [2023-04-21 15:29:08 ]

Multiple protocol Thingsboard IoT Gateway for Solar PV Inverter Data Acquisition

Industrial IoT Gateway BL110 used to convert Modbus, Modbus TCP, DLT645, PLC, BACnet MS/TP, BACnet/IP and other industrial protocols to MQTT, OPC UA, BACnet/IP, Modbus TCP and other protocols Support BLRMS (also known as BLIIOT RMS) and can facilitate remote upgrades of software

BLIIOT      [2023-04-21 13:47:00 ]

16 bit AD acquisition processing modbus RTU remote data acquisition module

The DAM124 remote data acquisition module is designed for industrial automation measurement systems,uses high-precision AD acquisition and data processing technology, professional MCU controller, nonlinear processing algorithm, high precision, stable performance, strong anti-inte

BLIIOT      [2023-04-20 10:33:27 ]

8DI+6AI+4Relay+1RS485 Cellular M2M Modbus to SMS MQTT IoT RTU S275

The Cellular IoT Modbus RTU is design for working in the harsh industrial application environment, widely used in a variety of industrial automation, security monitoring system, automatically measurement and control system, BTS monitoring, remote data acquisition, telemetrically

BLIIOT      [2023-04-20 10:31:03 ]

BLIIoT Industrial 4g Edge Router R40 for Smart Environmental Protection Wireless Monitoring Solution

R40 is industrial edge computing router that has three LAN, one WAN, dual SIM cards, one RS485, two DI, two DO, and four AI interface, and with GPS and WiFi functions. Besides the router function of wireless network connection, it also has various functions such as Modbus data co

BLIIOT      [2023-04-18 16:35:11 ]

OPC UA Gateway BL102UA Collects Omron CP1L to OPC UA to MES System

PLC/Modbus Gateway BL102 is an industrial IoT gateway that converts various PLC Modbus RTU and Modbus TCP into Modbus TCP, OPC UA, MQTT, Huawei Cloud IoT, AWS, Aliyun, ThingsBoard, KPIIOT Cloud and other protocols. PLC/Modbus Gateway BL102 downstream supports Siemens, Mitsubishi,

BLIIOT      [2023-04-13 17:13:09 ]