Cat No. CSC-C0202 Description Established from the peripheral blood of a 73-year-old man with B-prolymphocytic leukemia (PLL) at diagnosis; cell line was established by EBV-transformation during treatment with phorbol ester TPA; cells express mRNA of the proto-oncogenes BCL2 and

Creative Bioarray      [2018-07-12 23:09:08 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0203 Description The BV173 cell line was derived from the peripheral blood of a 45-year-old man with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in blast crisis in 1980; contains the t(9;22) leading to BCR-ABL1 e13-a2 (b2-a2) fusion gene. Organism Human https://www creative-bioar

Creative Bioarray      [2018-07-12 23:05:22 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0204 Description Established from the ascites fluid of a 71-year-old man with colon carcinoma in 1975; The cell line was established from the same patient as the cell lines COLO 201 and COLO 205 Organism Human https://www creative-bioarray com/COLO-206F-CSC-C0204-ite

Creative Bioarray      [2018-07-12 23:04:27 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0208 Description Supposedly \"established from the peripheral blood of a 37-year-old man with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in myelomonocytic blast crisis in 1984\"; however, Creative Bioarray DNA fingerprinting and cytogenetic analysis established unequivocally tha

Creative Bioarray      [2018-07-12 23:03:40 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0214 Description Established from the pleural effusion of a 6-year-old girl with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in second relapse Organism Human https://www creative-bioarray com/PF-382-CSC-C0214-item-1067.htm

Creative Bioarray      [2018-07-12 23:02:49 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0215 Description Established from the peripheral blood of a 15-year-old boy with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL FAB L2) in relapse in 1983; cells were described to be EBNA-negative and to carry t(8;14) and t(14;18) leading to IGH@-BCL2 (IGH-BCL2) and MYC-IGH@ (MYC

Creative Bioarray      [2018-07-12 23:02:06 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0216 Description Allegedly established from the peripheral blood of a 40-year-old man with acute monoblastic leukemia (AML M5) at relapse in 1982; however, recent new data suggest derivation from T-ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia) (1) T-ALL-associated gene expressi

Creative Bioarray      [2018-07-12 23:01:06 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0217 Description Established from the bone marrow of a 12-year-old boy with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (cALL) at relapse in 1979; cells express BCL2, BCL3 and MYC mRNA; recently termed \"EU-3\" in the literature. Organism Homo sapiens, human https://www creative-bi

Creative Bioarray      [2018-07-12 23:00:04 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0218 Description Established from a 27-year-old man with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in 1979 Organism Human https://www creative-bioarray com/KE-37-CSC-C0218-item-1071.htm

Creative Bioarray      [2018-07-12 22:58:46 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0219 Description Established from the pleural effusion of a 60-year-old man with refractory immunoblastic B cell lymphoma progressed from follicular centroblastic/centrocytic lymphoma in 1990; cells were described to carry the t(14;18) leading to IGH@-BCL2 (IGH-BCL2)

Creative Bioarray      [2018-07-12 22:57:58 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0220 Description Established in 1996 from the diagnostic pre-treatment pleural effusion sampled shortly before death of a 49-year-old HIV+ homosexual man with primary effusion lymphoma (PEL) and previous history of Kaposis sarcoma; autopsy revealed involvement of ser

Creative Bioarray      [2018-07-12 22:56:56 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0221 Description Eestablished from the peripheral blood of a 36-year-old woman with plasma cell leukemia (IgG) in 1977; cells were described to be EBNA-negative and to express mRNA for proto-oncogene BCL2; plasma cell leukemia is related to multiple myeloma Organism

Creative Bioarray      [2018-07-12 22:55:45 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0222 Description Established from the peripheral blood of a 56-year-old woman with multiple myeloma (IgG lambda) in leukemic phase (relapse, terminal) in 1982; described to carry t(4;14) leading to IGH@-FGFR3 (IGH-FGFR3; IGH-MMSET) fusion gene Organism Human https://

Creative Bioarray      [2018-07-12 17:43:19 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0223 Description The SKW-3 cell line has been established from the blood of a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Organism Human https://www creative-bioarray com/SKW-3-CSC-C0223-item-1076.htm

Creative Bioarray      [2018-07-12 17:42:47 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0226 Description Established from the pleural effusion of a 46-year-old woman with nodular histiocytic lymphoma (refractory, progressive) in 1986; reported to carry a t(14;18) leading to the IGH@-BCL2 (IGH-BCL2) fusion gene and to express mRNA for the BCL2 oncogene;

Creative Bioarray      [2018-07-12 17:42:12 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0227 Description Established from the primary tumor of a woman with melanoma in 1976 Organism Human https://www creative-bioarray com/MEL-HO-CSC-C0227-item-1078.htm

Creative Bioarray      [2018-07-12 17:41:35 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0229 Description The NAMALWA KN2 cell line is a subclone of the cell line NAMALWA. Established from the tumor mass of an African child with Burkitt lymphoma; this variant subline from the original NAMALWA was described to be characterized by differential expression o

Creative Bioarray      [2018-07-12 17:40:57 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0230 Description The NAMALWA PNT cell line is a subclone of the cell line NAMALWA. Established from the tumor mass of an African child with Burkitt lymphoma; this variant subline from the original NAMALWA was described to be characterized by differential expression o

Creative Bioarray      [2018-07-12 17:40:06 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0231 Description The NAMALWA CSN/70 cell line is a subclone of the cell line NAMALWA. Established from the tumor mass of an African child with Burkitt lymphoma; this variant subline from the original NAMALWA was described to be characterized by differential expressio

Creative Bioarray      [2018-07-12 17:38:59 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0232 Description Established from the tumor mass of an African child with Burkitt lymphoma; this variant subline from the original NAMALWA was described to be characterized by differential expression of immunoglobulin genes, MYC genes and cell surface antigens (see r

Creative Bioarray      [2018-07-12 17:37:23 ]