
Cat No. CSC-C0253 Description The cell line CX-1 is a subclone of the HT-29 cell line. Established from the tumor tissue of a 44-year-old woman with well-differentiated colon adenocarcinoma in 1984. Organism Homo sapiens (human) https://www creative-bioarray com/CX-1-CSC-C0253-it

Creative Bioarray      [2017-07-26 17:31:55 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0256 Description Established from the tumor of a 50-year-old Caucasian man with colon adenocarcinoma (grade 4, Duke class B). The cells express elevated levels of p53 protein. The cells have been reported to produce GM-CSF. SW-480 were described to produce carcinoemb

Creative Bioarray      [2017-07-26 17:31:10 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0259 Description Established from the pleural fluid of a 52-year-old man with breast carcinoma in 1991. The cells do not tolerate DMSO; upon thawing, DMSO has to be removed by centrifugation. Organism Homo sapiens (human) https://www creative-bioarray com/COLO-824-CS

Creative Bioarray      [2017-07-26 17:30:09 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0262 Description The MCF-7 cell line was established from the pleural effusion of a patient suffering from a breast adenocarcinoma. It retains several characteristics of differentiated mammary epithelium including the ability to process estradiol via cytoplasmic estr

Creative Bioarray      [2017-07-26 17:29:20 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0268 Description Established from the transitional cell carcinoma (histological grade G2) excised from a woman (age unknown) with untreated primary urinary bladder carcinoma in 1973; described to form tumors in nude mice. Cytokeratine (4),5,(6), 7, 8, 13, 17, 18, 19,

Creative Bioarray      [2017-07-26 17:28:36 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0283 Description These cells were cloned from the GIRARDI HEART cell line (passage #623) in 1981 and were thought to \"represent human heart cells\"; however, isoenzyme analysis (Nelson-Rees et al., Science 191 96-97, 1976) and DNA fingerprinting at the Creative Bioa

Creative Bioarray      [2017-07-26 17:27:51 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0285 Description These cells were cloned from the GIRARDI HEART cell line (passage #623) in 1981 and were thought to \"represent human heart cells\"; however, isoenzyme analysis (Nelson-Rees et al., Science 191 96-97, 1976) and DNA fingerprinting at the Creative Bioa

Creative Bioarray      [2017-07-26 17:27:07 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0287 Description Established from the tumor biopsy of an intracranial secondary melanoma in a 28-year-old European man in 1979; it was described that increasing the tyrosine concentration enhances synthesis of melanin Organism Human https://www creative-bioarray com/

Creative Bioarray      [2017-07-26 17:26:07 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0290 Description Established from the primary tumor of a 67-year-old woman with primary thyroid carcinoma (undifferentiated carcinoma, composed of spindle, polygonal and giant cells) Organism Human https://www creative-bioarray com/8305C-CSC-C0290-item-1107.htm

Creative Bioarray      [2017-07-26 17:26:07 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0291 Description Established from the bone marrow of a 5-year-old Caucasian girl with Philadelphia chromosome-positive CML (chronic myeloid leukemia) in second relapse in 1980 (after bone marrow transplantation day +47); sister cell line of EM-2 Organism Human https:

Creative Bioarray      [2017-07-26 17:22:35 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0292 Description Established from the bone marrow of a 5-year-old Caucasian girl with Philadelphia chromosome positive chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in second relapse in 1980 (after bone marrow transplantation day +28); sister cell line of EM-3 Organism Human https:

Creative Bioarray      [2017-07-26 17:19:40 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0294 Description Established from the bone marrow of a 64-year-old man with acute myeloid leukemia (AML M7) at diagnosis in 1988; cells are constitutively cytokine-dependent and responsive to various cytokines Organism Human https://www creative-bioarray com/UT-7-CSC

Creative Bioarray      [2017-07-26 17:17:56 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0295 Description Established from the peripheral blood of a 20-year-old man with acute B cell leukemia (ALL FAB L3) in partial remission in 1981 Organism Human Karyotype Human near diploid karyotype - 46(45-47)XY, dup(1)(q21q41), del(6)(q21), t(8;14)(q24;q32), i(13q)

Creative Bioarray      [2017-07-26 17:16:48 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0311 Description The LAMA-84 cell line has been established from the peripheral blood of a patient with chronic myeloid leukemia in acute phase. The patient had been treated with busulfan from 1979-1984; blast crisis occurred at the end of March 1984. The cells expre

Creative Bioarray      [2017-07-26 17:14:40 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0312 Description Established in 1985 from the primary ductal pancreatic adenocarcinoma (grade II) from a 44-year-old woman; reported as inducing metastasis in nude mice and as secreting proteinases (e g. urokinase, cathepsin B and D) Organism Human https://www creati

Creative Bioarray      [2017-07-26 17:13:28 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0313 Description This cell line was isolated from a liver biopsy of a male Caucasian aged 15 years, with a well differentiated hepatocellular carcinoma. The cells secrete a variety of major plasma proteins e g. albumin, alpha2-macroglobulin, alpha 1-antitrypsin, tran

Creative Bioarray      [2017-07-26 17:12:09 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0314 Description Derived from the esophagus squamous cell carcinoma of a 57-year-old black woman in 1985 via passage through a nude mouse. Organism Homo sapiens (human) https://www creative-bioarray com/COLO-680N-CSC-C0314-item-1128.htm

Creative Bioarray      [2017-07-26 17:10:32 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0318 Description Established from the solid omental metastasis of a mucinous papillary adenocarcinoma of the ovary of a 36-year-old woman in 1979; initially diploid, later tetraploid; growth in nude mice Organism Human https://www creative-bioarray com/EFO-27-CSC-C03

Creative Bioarray      [2017-07-26 17:09:00 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0317 Description Glioblastoma cells established from an astrocytoma tumor (grade IV) of a 62-year-old woman in 1986; cells were described as expressing mRNA for both TGF-β1 and G-TSF/TGF-β2 (but only the latter polypeptide was secreted) and expressing GFAP protein

Creative Bioarray      [2017-07-26 17:08:08 ]


Cat No. CSC-C0316 Description Established from the primary lesion resected from a 76-year-old woman with bulky, moderately differentiated squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva in 1984; cells were reported to express an elevated number of high affinity EGF receptors, to carry gene

Creative Bioarray      [2017-07-26 17:06:43 ]