Latin Name: Rubus chingii Hu Part of Used: Berry Specifications: 35%,15%/ 10:1 Appearance: Red Brown fine powder Application: Health food & Beverage What is Red Raspberry Extract? Red raspberry is a perennial plant that grows wild in Europe and Asia. The plant is also widely ...
Herb Extract [Health & Medical] [Health Care Products] [2017-04-14 13:52:31 ]
Latin Name: Ribes nigrum L (Berry) Synonyms: Quinsy Berries.,Squinancy Berries, Ribes nigrum, BCA, BCSO, black currant power, cassis (French, Spanish), cassistee, European black currant, European black currant, Feuilles de Cassis, Gichtbeerblaetter, groselha preta (Portuguese), ...
Herb Extract [Health & Medical] [Health Care Products] [2017-04-14 13:51:58 ]
Latin Name: Hibiscus sabdariffa Synonyms: hibiscus rosa-sinensis, hibiscus syriacus, hibiscus sabdariffa, hibiscus sabdariffa, Jamaica sorrel, red sorrel, roselle, rozelle, sorrel Part of Used: Flower Specifications: 5:1,10:1 Appearance: Brown red fine powder Application: ...
Herb Extract [Health & Medical] [Health Care Products] [2017-04-14 13:51:31 ]
Latin Name: Vitis vinifera L. Part of Used: seed Specifications: OPC(Proanthocyanidins)95% Appearance: Dark purple fine powder Application: Medicine, food additive, dietary supplement What is Grape seed Extract? Grape seed extracts are industrial derivatives from whole grape ...
Herb Extract [Health & Medical] [Health Care Products] [2017-04-14 13:51:05 ]
Latin Name: Morus alba L. Synonyms: Chinese White Mulberry, Chi Sang, Chin Sang, Common Mulberry, Egyptian Mulberry, Mon Tea, Mora, Moral Blanco, Morera Blanca, Morin, Morus alba, Morus indica, Morus multicaulis, Mûrier Blanc, Mûrier Blanc de Chine, Mûrier Commun, Mûrier du ...
Herb Extract [Health & Medical] [Health Care Products] [2017-04-14 13:50:37 ]
Latin Name: Aronia Melanocarpa. Synonyms: black chokeberry, Aronia arbutifolia var. nigra, Aronia nigra, Pyrus arbutifolia var. nigra, Pyrus melanocarpa, Sorbus melanocarpa, Aronia arbutifolia var. atropurpurea, Aronia atropurpurea, Aronia floribunda, Aronia prunifolia, ...
Herb Extract [Health & Medical] [Health Care Products] [2017-04-14 13:50:00 ]
Latin Name: Vaccinnium vitis-idaea L. Synonyms: Airelle, Dyeberry, European Blueberry, Huckleberry, Vaccinium myrtillus, Whortleberry, Wineberry Part of Used: berry Specifications: Anthocyanins 25% UV Appearance: Dark violet fine powder Application: Medicine, food additive, ...
Herb Extract [Health & Medical] [Health Care Products] [2017-04-14 13:49:36 ]
Latin Name: Lepidium Meyenii Synonyms: Maca, maca-maca, maino, ayak chichira, ayak willku Part of Used: Root Specifications: 20:1, Macamides 60% Appearance: Light yellow fine powder Application: Medicine, food additive, dietary supplement What is Maca Root? Maca plant is a ...
Herb Extract [Health & Medical] [Health Care Products] [2017-04-14 13:49:07 ]
Latin Name: Sambucus williamsii Hance. Synonyms: Arbre de Judas, Baccae, Baises de Sureau, Black-Berried Alder, Black Elder, Black Elderberry, Boor Tree, Bountry, Elder, Common Elder. Elder Berry, Elderberries, Elderberry Fruit, Ellanwood, Ellhorn, European Alder, European ...
Herb Extract [Health & Medical] [Health Care Products] [2017-04-14 13:48:35 ]
Latin Name: Psoralea corylifolia L. Synonyms: Bakuchi, Bavanchalu, Bhavanchi-vittulu, Hakuchi, Latakasturi, Somaraji, Vakuchi, Psoralea seeds,buguzhi Part of Used: seed Specifications: 20:1.10:1,5:1 Appearance: Brown fine powder Application: Medicine, food additive, dietary ...
Herb Extract [Health & Medical] [Health Care Products] [2017-04-14 13:48:01 ]
Latin Name: Turnera aphrodisiaca Synonyms: Turnera diffusa,Old Woman\'s Broom, Mexican Damiana, Herba de la Pastora Part of Used: Root Specifications: 10:1,20;1 Appearance: Brown yellow fine powder Application: Medicine, food additive, dietary supplement What is Damiana? ...
Herb Extract [Health & Medical] [Health Care Products] [2017-04-14 13:47:22 ]
Latin Name: Corynante Yohimbe Synonyms: Aphrodien, Corynanthe johimbi, Corynanthe yohimbi, corynine, johimbi, Pausinystalia johimbe, Pausinystalia yohimbe, quebrachine, Rubiaceae (family), yohimbehe, yohimbehe cortex, yohimbeherinde, yohimbene, yohimbime, yohimbine, P.johimbe ...
Herb Extract [Health & Medical] [Health Care Products] [2017-04-14 12:12:52 ]
Latin Name: Tribulus terrester Linn. Synonyms: bullhead,burra gokharu, caltrop, cat\'s head, devil\'s eyelashes, devil\'s thorn,devil\'s weed, goathead, puncturevine,tackweed Part of Used: Fruit Specifications: saponins 90%,Protodioscin 50% Appearance: Light yellow-brown fine ...
Herb Extract [Health & Medical] [Health Care Products] [2017-04-14 12:11:07 ]
Latin Name: Aloe vera L. var. chinensis Synonyms: Aloe africana, Aloe arborescens, Aloe barbadensis, Aloe Capensis, Aloe ferox, Aloe frutescens, Aloe Gel, Aloe indica, Aloe Latex, Aloe Leaf Gel, Aloe natalenis, Aloe Perfoliata, Aloe perryi, Aloe spicata, Aloe supralaevis, Aloe ...
Herb Extract [Health & Medical] [Health Care Products] [2017-04-14 12:09:45 ]
Latin Name: Moringa oleifera Synonyms: M. arborea, M. Borziana, M. Concanensis, M. Drouhardii, M. Hildebrandtii, M. Longituba, M. Ovalifolia, M. Peregrina, M. Pygmaea, M. rivae, M. Ruspoliana, M. stenopetala Part of Used: Leaf,Root Specifications: 80Mesh,4:1,10:1,20:1 ...
Herb Extract [Health & Medical] [Health Care Products] [2017-04-14 12:08:27 ]
Latin Name:Vaccinium Macrocarpon L. Synonyms:Agrio, Airelle à Gros Fruits, Airelle Canneberge, Airelle Européenne, Airelle Rouge, American Cranberry, Arándano, Arándano Americano, Arándano Rojo, Arándano Trepador, Atoca, Atoka, Bearberry, Canneberge, Canneberge à ...
Herb Extract [Health & Medical] [Health Care Products] [2017-04-14 12:01:08 ]
•100% cotton •Sewn, prewashed, de-linted, absorbent, extra soft. •With neutral PH value •Applied in theatre operation, wound healing and medical instrument cleaning. •Available in different sizes, both sterile and in bulk ...
FOMED INDUSTRIES INC [Health & Medical] [Ward Nursing Equipments] [2017-04-13 10:14:58 ]
•Least loss of gypsum power when bandage soaking •Steady setting time (Quickly dried type: 2-5min. /common type 4-8min) •Strong strength, good dry degree, never transfiguration, never damp beautiful fixed shape ...
FOMED INDUSTRIES INC [Health & Medical] [Ward Nursing Equipments] [2017-04-13 10:14:30 ]
Product Composition: Ventilated weave (shin-coloured) 3 with high cotton content and ribbed surface. The material features characteristic stong polyurethane warp threads, double circumspun with cotton yarn. Application: for use in the acute and post-surgical treatment of ...
FOMED INDUSTRIES INC [Health & Medical] [Ward Nursing Equipments] [2017-04-13 10:13:54 ]
Product Composition: Low stretch 100% cotton bandage with approx. 70% stretchability and light retractive power. Application: Compression bandage for use in the case of phlebological or lymphatic indications, chronic venous insufficiency and in particular ofr ulcer of the leg ...
FOMED INDUSTRIES INC [Health & Medical] [Ward Nursing Equipments] [2017-04-13 10:13:12 ]