603 Digital Multimeter

Metravi 603 is a compact, rugged, battery operated, handheld 31/2 Digital Multimeter with large LCD display Metravi 603 is a compact, rugged, battery operated, handheld 31/2 Digital Multimeter with large LCD display Metravi 603 is a compact, rugged, battery operated, handheld 31/

Internation Instruments Industries   

34411A Digital Multimeter

The Agilent 34411A builds on the industry-standard 34401A. The 34411A has all the features The Agilent 34411A builds on the industry-standard 34401A. The 34411A has all the features The Agilent 34411A builds on the industry-standard 34401A. The 34411A has all the features of the

Elmack Engineering Services   


AC/DC Voltage measurement (Up to 1000V, AC750V) AC/DC Voltage measurement (Up to 1000V, AC750V) Bench type Digital Multimeter with 4 1/2 digit (LED)display - Basic accuracy for DCV ; 0.05 % - Overload protection on all range - AC/DC Voltage measurement (Up to 1000V, AC750V) - AC/



Fluke 170 Series Digital Multimeter Fluke 170 Series Digital Multimeter

Team Tech Instruments Pte Ltd   

Fluke 170 Series Digital Multimeters

Setting the new multimeter standard Setting the new multimeter standard The three models of the new 170 Series are the new benchmarks for general purpose multimeters. They set the standard with a combination of precision, features, ease-of-use, safety and reliability. Setting the

Fluke South East Asia Pte Ltd   

Digital meter

Model Number MA24-L Model Number MA24-L Accuracy 0.1% F S. 1digit


Fluke 180 Series Digital Multimeters

Digital Multimeters Digital Multimeters Introducing the new Fluke 180 Series Digital MultimeterCheck out the features and you'll see we've enhanced the performance beyond any other handheld meter on the planet. Like faster readings. Extended ranges. Lower DC volts. Dual displays.

Haltest Instruments Sdn Bhd.   


APPA 300 Series Multimeter The Most User-Friendly High Perfomance Multimeter APPA 300 Series Multimeter The Most User-Friendly High Perfomance Multimeter

Silicon Instrumentation Pte Ltd   


Product Description DIGITAL MULTIMETER Product Specification/Models TEK TX3 Hand Type DMM Fluke 87 Hand Type DMM Hioki 3801/3802 Product Description DIGITAL MULTIMETER Product Specification/Models TEK TX3 Hand Type DMM Fluke 87 Hand Type DMM Hioki 3801/3802 Product Description DI


Model 2015 and 2016 Total Harmonic Distortion Multimeters Audio Analyzer Multimeters

Model 2015-P and 2016-P Key Features and Benefits THD, THD+Noise, and SINAD measurments 20Hz-20kHz sine wavw generator Fast fr Model 2015-P and 2016-P Key Features and Benefits THD, THD+Noise, and SINAD measurments 20Hz-20kHz sine wavw generator Fast fr Model 2015-P and 2016-P


Digital Multitesters

SUMMIT35 / 45 SUMMIT35 / 45 Low Battery Indicator Continuity Buzzer Record (Min/Max) & Data Hold Low Battery Indicator 4000 Counts Display Data Hold Continuity Buzzer 2000 Counts Display


AD40B Mini Clamp Meter

Functions Current measurement Device information Automatic range selection Functions Current measurement Device information Automatic range selection AD40B Mini Clamp Meter Functions Current measurement Device information Automatic range selection Integrated measurement memory (d

Automation System Engineers Pvt Ltd   


Availability Contact us for availability. Elenco Analog Multimeter # M-1250 M1250Regular price $22.95Sale price $20.95 Availability Contact us for availability. Elenco Analog Multimeter # M-1250 M1250Regular price $22.95Sale price $20.95 * Test Leads , 9V and (2) AA batteries inc



Fluke 179 digital multimeter Fluke 179 digital multimeter Fluke 179 DMM with Temperature True-rms digital multimeter designed with a built-in thermometer Two tools in one the new Fluke 179 has features and functions needed to troublesoot your plant and equipment.

Apexwing Technology Inc.   

Multimeters MultiMaster 500,000 Count Multimeter with Temperature

Price $299.99 Price $299.99 MultiMaster 500,000 Count Multimeter with Temperature Quantity in Basket none Code MM570 Price $299.99 Shipping Weight 1.00 pounds Quantity | 50,000/500,000 count, high accuracy, wide bandwidth True RMS multimeters

rg Engineering & Sales, Company, Inc.   

SE-9786A Basic Digital Multimeter

Basic Digital Multimeter SE-9786A Basic Digital Multimeter SE-9786A This basic meter includes all functions and ranges needed for most in?tro?duc?to?ry lab work. Manuals Features & Specs Overview SE-9786A

PASCO scientific   

New Digital Multimeter

Item# vc6013 $35.00 Item# vc6013 $35.00 Zero adjust limit to 20pF Overload protection Protected by a 0.2A/250V self- fused. The capacitance will destroy the meter if the DCV is higher than 60V. Excite voltage 2.8V peak value range at 2000

LDB Electronic Testing World   

True RMS Auto ranging Digital Multimeter

Model Number DM262C Brand Name EQ Model Number DM262C Brand Name EQ Autoranging True RMS Digital Multimeter with Computer Connection For more details, please refer to our website eq-supplies com Product size * USB is an optional accessories Specifications -

EQ Supplies Ltd   

handheld automotive multimeter DM393

The DM393 is one of our safest industrial duty meters ever made. The DM393 is one of our safest industrial duty meters ever made. Features All inputs, ranges and functions protected to 1000 V CAT III True RMS AC Volts and Amps Access to battery and fuses without breaking calibrat

UEi Automotive   

Digital Multimeter (PM3)

PM3 8.5mm thick body with multi-function 3-3 / 4 digits 4000 count 0.7% best accuracy PM3 8.5mm thick body with multi-function 3-3 / 4 digits 4000 count 0.7% best accuracy PM3 8.5mm thick body with multi-function 3-3 / 4 digits 4000 count 0.7% best accuracy Capacitance measuremen