GD-30011 high temperature muffle furnace Carbon Residue Tester

GD-30011 high temperature muffle furnace Carbon Residue Tester in lubricating oil, heavy liquid fuels (Digital Temperature Controlled Electric Furnace Methods) Purpose The Carbon Residue Tester is designed and made as per the Industry Standard of Petrochemical SH/T0170 “Test Me

重庆格纳迪设备有限公司      [2015-03-17 14:10:59 ]

GD-3536D ASTM D92 Fully-Automatic cleveland Open Cup Flash Point Tester

Ⅰ . Introduction GD-3536D ASTM D92 Fully-Automatic cleveland Open Cup Flash Point Tester is designed and made as per the National Standard of People’s Republic of China GB/T3536 “Test Methods for Flash Point and Fire Point of Petroleum Products (Cleveland Open Cup Method)

重庆格纳迪设备有限公司      [2015-03-17 14:09:02 ]

GD-3536A Automatic Cleveland Open Cup Flash Point Testing Equipment

Purpose This GD-3536A Automatic Cleveland Open Cup Flash Point testing equipment is designed and made as per GB/T3536-2008 Petroleum Products - Determination of Flash and Fire Points - Cleveland open cup method and ASTM D 92 Standard Test Method for Flash and Fire Points by Cleve

重庆格纳迪设备有限公司      [2015-03-17 14:07:30 ]

GDE-1B Engler Viscometer /Engler viscosity Viscometer

I Brief Introduction The Engler Viscometer is designed and made as per the National Standard GB/T266 “Test Methods for Engler Viscosity of Petroleum Products” and the Industry Standard JTJ052 Specification and Test Methods of Bitumen and Bituminous Mixture for Highway Enginee

重庆格纳迪设备有限公司      [2015-03-17 14:05:54 ]

GD-0308 Hydraulic Oil Air Release Value laboratory equipment

GD-0308 Hydraulic Oil Air Release Value laboratory equipment GD-0308 Hydraulic Oil Air Release Value Tester is designed and made as per SH/T0308-92. It is used to determine air release value of fire resistant oil, hydraulic oil, turbine oil and other petroleum products. It includ

重庆格纳迪设备有限公司      [2015-03-17 14:04:16 ]

GD--8017 Crude Oil Vapor Pressure laboratory tester (Reid Method )

I Brief Introduction The instrument is designed and made as per the national standard of People’s Republic of China GB/T8017 Test Method for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products (Reid Methods). It is suitable to determine vapor pressure of gasoline, volatile crude oil and other

重庆格纳迪设备有限公司      [2015-03-17 14:03:07 ]

GD-5208AD High Tempertue Closed Cup Flash Point labortory equipment

Detail Information This flash point tester is suitable to test the closed cup flash point of paints, adhesives, solvents, petroleum. Introduction This instrument is designed and made as per GB/T 5208-2008 Determination of flash point - Rapid equilibrium closed cup method. It can

重庆格纳迪设备有限公司      [2015-03-17 14:01:48 ]

GD-0193 Automatic Petroleum Oils Oxidation Stability Tester of Lubricating Oils

I Brief Introduction The GD-0193 Automatic Petroleum Oils Oxidation Stability Tester of Lubricating Oils (Rotary Oxygen Bomb Methods) is designed and made as per SH/T0193 and ASTM D2272. It is suitable to determine oxidation stability of new or in service turbine oil, which has t

重庆格纳迪设备有限公司      [2015-03-17 13:58:40 ]

GD-3536 paraffin oil flash point lab equipment

Purpose The GD-3536 paraffin oil flash point lab equipment/motor oil flash point lab equipment is designed and made as per the National Standard GB/T3536 “Test Methods for Flash Point and Fire Point of Petroleum Products (Cleveland Open Cup Methods), and T0651 “Asphalt Flash

重庆格纳迪设备有限公司      [2015-03-17 13:56:55 ]

GD-11143Corrosion Tester/Steam Turbine Oils Rust Characteristics Tester

I Brief Introduction GD-11143 Lubricting Oils Rust Preventing Characteristics Tester is designed and made as per the National Standard GB/T11143 “Test Methods for Rust-Preventing Characteristics of Inhibited Mineral Oil in the Presence of Water”, ASTM D665, and IP135 . GD-111

重庆格纳迪设备有限公司      [2015-03-17 13:53:53 ]

GD-12579 Lubricating Oil Lab Equipment Foaming Characteristics

GD-12579 Lubricating Oil Lab Equipment Foaming Characteristics Measuring Standards 1. GB/T12579 Test Methods for Foaming Characteristics of Lubricating Oils. 2. ASTM D892 Standard Test Method for Foaming Characteristics of Lubricating Oils Introduction GD-12579 Lubricating oil la

重庆格纳迪设备有限公司      [2015-03-17 13:52:14 ]

GD-5096A Copper Strip laboraoty Analyzer

Measuring Standard 1. GB/T5096 Test Methods for Detection of Copper Corrosion from Petroleum Products by the Copper Strip Tarnish Test. 2. ASTM D130 Standard Test Method for Corrosiveness to Copper from Petroleum Products by Copper Strip Test . Application 1. Aviation gasoline, v

重庆格纳迪设备有限公司      [2015-03-17 13:50:19 ]

GD-260A Double Units petroleum Water Content laboratory instrument

GD-260A Double Units petroleum Water Content laboratory instrument The Double Units petroleum Water Content Tester is designed and made as per the National Standard GB/T260 “Test Methods for Water Content of Petroleum Products”. Double Units petroleum Water Content Tester is

重庆格纳迪设备有限公司      [2015-03-17 13:49:04 ]

GD-1884 Petroleum Product Oil Density Tester/Oil Density Tester

I Purpose The GD-1884 Petroleum Product Oil Density Tester/Oil Density Tester is designed and made as per the National Standard GB/T 1884-2000 “Test Methods for Density of Petroleum and Liquid Petroleum Products (Densimeter methods)”. The Density Tester is suitable to determi

重庆格纳迪设备有限公司      [2015-03-17 13:46:40 ]

GD-0232 Oil and Gas Digital Copper Corrosion Tester

I Brief Introduction The Copper Strip corrosiveness tester is designed and made as per Industry Standard of Petrochemical SH/T0232 “Test Methods for Detection of Copper Corrosion from Liquefied Petroleum Gas by the Copper Strip Tarnish Test”. It is suitable to determine corro

重庆格纳迪设备有限公司      [2015-03-17 11:59:41 ]

GD-0165 Vacuum Distillation Tester

Measuring Standards 1. SH/T 0165-92 Test Methods for Distillation Characteristics of High Boiling Point Petroleum Products at Reduced Pressure. Brief Introduction Vacuum Distillation Tester is designed and made as per the industry standard of People's Republic of China SH/T0165-

重庆格纳迪设备有限公司      [2015-03-17 11:57:59 ]

GD-265 Petroleum Oil Kinematic Viscometer ASTMD 445

I. Introduction GD-265 Petroleum Oil Kinematic Viscometer ASTMD 445 is designed and made as per the Industry Standard of People’s Republic of China SY/T5651 “ Technical Condition for Kinematic Viscosity of Petroleum Products ”. It is suitable to determine the kinematic visc

重庆格纳迪设备有限公司      [2015-03-17 11:56:37 ]

GD-261D Closed Cup Flash Point Apparatus

Detail Informtion GD-261D Closed Cup Flash Point Apparatus Purpose The Closed Cup Flash Point Apparatus is designed and made as per the National Standard of People’s Republic of China GB/T261 “Test Methods for Flash Point of Petroleum Products (Closed Cup Methods)”. It is s

重庆格纳迪设备有限公司      [2015-03-17 11:41:07 ]

GD-508 Petroleum Product Ash Content Analyzer

I Brief Introduction The Petroleum Product Ash Content Analyzer is designed and made as per the National Standard GB/T508 “Test Methods for Ash Content of Petroleum Products”. It is suitable to determine ash content of petroleum products. The instrument is not suitable to det

重庆格纳迪设备有限公司      [2015-03-17 11:39:10 ]

GD-17040 X-ray Fluorescence Petroleum Oil Sulfur Content Analyzer

I Brief Introduction GD-17040 ASTMD 4294 X-ray Fluorescence Petroleum Oil Sulfur Content Analyzer is specially designed to determine sulfur content in the petroleum products. Adopts energy-dispersive principle, and with integrated design, it is rapid and accurate. It can meet the

重庆格纳迪设备有限公司      [2015-03-17 11:35:02 ]