Floral wire on spools is ideal for wrapping garlands

花线的线轴是多才多艺的工艺和园林艺术 花线的线轴是理想的捆扎或包装花环,延长花茎,并确保花卉材料花圈。 它是多功能的,也可以在礼品的优秀品质被使用,做手工艺品,艺术的花园。 颜色:白色,金色

Blumendraht Floral Wire Factory.      [2013-12-31 02:52:39 ]

Wooden stick floral wire with 20-34# for crafts and floral work

木棍花线是理想的装饰,工艺品和花卉工作。 这个花卉丝花店绕在木棍。 它们是工艺爱好者常用的工具。 花线的木制棒是生产插花不可缺少的工具。 稍微更微妙的扎线主要用在干燥的花朵。 木棍花线是理想的

Blumendraht Floral Wire Factory.      [2013-12-31 02:52:05 ]

Small coil floral wire used for bouquets or floral arrangements

小卷花线是用来​​创建装饰线框,花束或插花 小卷花线,广泛应用于制作的文化项目,工艺美术品,它也可用于圣诞树,并在美国和欧洲国家的插花装饰。 线材即可光亮铁丝,不锈钢丝,铁丝,电镀锌丝,涂

Blumendraht Floral Wire Factory.      [2013-12-31 02:51:28 ]

Floral stem wire is perfect choice for floristry work

花卉茎丝,16-32尺,20厘米 - 60厘米 花干线是完美的插花叶子,和干花加强茎。 也用于拼接茎和花的附加部分茎,和其他花艺作品。 花杆电线有三种类型:纯干电线,油漆干线和纸包花杆电线。 常见的用途是画线

Blumendraht Floral Wire Factory.      [2013-12-31 02:50:43 ]

Paddle wire is perfect for hanging wreaths by shaping into loops

桨线绿颜​​色的20号至​​34计 桨线是完美的挂花圈通过塑造成环,并确保花卉材料,花圈和形式,简单地环绕任何花茎和盖线与花带。 桨花线也可以用来保护绿化或锥体花圈框架。 桨电线一般规格:20针-34计

Blumendraht Floral Wire Factory.      [2013-12-31 02:50:03 ]

Floral Pins - Green flower pins and Galvanized wire pins

Floral Pins fix materials to flower or foam for floral design Floral pins are U-shaped floral wire. They are widely used for floral design, such as fix silk and dried flowers, fix floral moss to foam, and attach materials to wreaths for decorations. Materials green painted low-ca

Blumendraht Floral Wire Factory.      [2013-12-31 02:49:24 ]

Paper covered floral wire is perfect for flower decorations

作为花材料纸包花线 纸包花线通常是由强铁或电镀锌丝制成,再覆盖在一张薄薄的纸涂层。 纸包花线是通用的,可以在艺术和手工艺项目无数被使用。 纸包线是常用的花环制作,确保插花,首饰制作和节日工艺

Blumendraht Floral Wire Factory.      [2013-12-31 02:48:38 ]

Green floral wire, 6# - 30# green paddle floral wire, application

Green floral wire decorates Christmas trees and crafts Green floral wire we supply is widely used in making of culture items, arts and crafts. It is also used for decoration of Christmas trees and floral arrangements in the USA and European countries. Green paddle floral wire is

Blumendraht Floral Wire Factory.      [2013-12-31 02:45:31 ]

Floral wire with bright colors used for floral arrangements

Floral wire, florist wire and floral stem wire Floral wire, also called florist wire, is an indispensable tool in creating floral arrangements and bouquets. It is ideal for such Bouquets, wreaths and garlands. Especially in the fall and Christmas season can conjure up beautiful f

Blumendraht Floral Wire Factory.      [2013-12-31 02:44:48 ]

Aluminum Hangers

Aluminum hangers have the characteristics of sturdy, anti-rust and lightweight. They have high strength construction and can resistant abrasion. It is durable and strong enough so that it is widely used in laundries. Different colors and diameters can be offered. Colors silver/ g

Sunflowers Wire Hangers Company      [2013-12-25 10:42:30 ]

Galvanized Hangers

Galvanized hangers are not only durable, well-constructed but also anti-rust and high temperature resistent. Most of all, it is much cheaper than other wire hangers and widely used in laundries. We supply different colors of galvanized hangers as follow Silver/ black/ golden/ arm

Sunflowers Wire Hangers Company      [2013-12-25 10:41:55 ]

Foam Hangers

Foam hangers are made of chrome plated construction and high quality cushy foam. They are anti-rust, non-slip, and can treat the delicate garments gently. Most of all, they keep the garments free of creasing and deformation. We supply three kinds of hangers as follow Coat hangers

Sunflowers Wire Hangers Company      [2013-12-25 10:41:24 ]

PVC Coated Hangers

PVC coated hangers are perfect combinations of anti-rust wire and high quality PVC coating. They have various colors and keep garments free of slipping and denting. We supply different kinds of hangers as follow Suit hangers Coat hangers (without bar) pants hangers Tie, belt&scar

Sunflowers Wire Hangers Company      [2013-12-25 10:40:54 ]

Wire Hangers

Wire hangers feature their durable and sturdy construction. Different from normal wire hangers, our hangers are plated with metallic coating for enhancing their appearance and preventing them from rusting. We have different kinds of hanger as follow Coat hangers Pants hangers Tie

Sunflowers Wire Hangers Company      [2013-12-25 10:40:21 ]

Micro Opening Stainless Steel Cloth with sizes and features

得奖者提供的微米线的布全系列,包括以超细股权及由不锈钢和所有的金属材料和合金制造。 所有丝布使用干净的条件下,最现代化的生产设备制造。 我们编织滤布非常适合于表面过滤的应用程序,并已证明了

Winner Stainless Steel Wire Mesh Factory      [2013-12-18 04:46:18 ]

Stainless Steel Wire Mesh Dutch Weaving for filter cloth

丝网滤布主要是指与荷兰编织图案制成的丝网产品。 我厂是编织丝网,特别是定制和特种丝网滤布荷兰编织的专家。 荷兰编织网,可根据编织图案可以进一步划分为主要有四种类型: 丝网滤布荷兰平纹 丝网过滤

Winner Stainless Steel Wire Mesh Factory      [2013-12-18 04:45:56 ]

ASTM 304Q grade stainless steel wire mesh

这里是美国ASTM 304Q不锈钢丝网规格表: 宽度:3脚,1mtr,1.2mtrs,1.5mtr&2mtr。 长度:30米标准。 其他长度可以使用。 该平纹编织型不锈钢丝网规如下: 8×23 8×25 8×27 10×21 10×23 10×25 10×27 12×25 12×23 12×27 14 X 23 14×2

Winner Stainless Steel Wire Mesh Factory      [2013-12-18 04:45:33 ]

304 Plain Weave Stainless Steel Wire Mesh Detailed Specifications

平纹304不锈钢丝网规格: 网 丝径 轧辊尺寸 18 0.50毫米 1个30米 20 0.50毫米 1个30米 30 0.40毫米 1个30米 40 0.22毫米 1个30米 40 0.28毫米 1个30米 60 0.14毫米 1个50米 80 0.12毫米 1个30米 100 0.10毫米 1个50米 12×64 0.58×0.43毫米 1个5

Winner Stainless Steel Wire Mesh Factory      [2013-12-18 04:45:00 ]

Stainless Steel Woven Wire Mesh materials and weave types

不锈钢:不锈钢是选择他们的耐磨,耐热,耐酸和耐腐蚀的特点。 许多不同等级的不锈钢的用于电线cloth T304是最常见的,但其他用于特定应用程序以利用每个等级的独特性能优势。 丝网制成的不锈钢被广泛应用

Winner Stainless Steel Wire Mesh Factory      [2013-12-18 04:44:28 ]

Stainless steel fiber features and is used in reinforce concrete

我们生产的国际标准不锈钢纤维。 不锈钢纤维被广泛应用于耐火材料,并在钢筋混凝土,以增加在张力作用下的强度。 为了客户的方便这些纤维可在不同的形状和切割长度。 我们生产的钢纤维已根据严格的质量

Winner Stainless Steel Wire Mesh Factory      [2013-12-18 04:44:13 ]