End time: Nov-10-08 07:08:10 PST (18 days 5 hours) Shipping costs: US $4.98 (discount available) US Postal Service First Class Mail?Service to United States(more services) Ships to: United States Item location: Tucson, Arizona, United States Quantity: 12 available History: ...
WaterDog Inc [Minerals & Metallurgy] [Cast & Forged]
As a converter of coextruded polypropylene films, you probably buy direct from polypropylene extruders. Do any of these following scenarios sound familiar?:- ...
Protos Packaging ltd [Minerals & Metallurgy] [Cast & Forged]
Material:Iron Thickness: 0.5-100 microns ...
Romsir [Minerals & Metallurgy] [Cast & Forged]
Material:Copper Copper Hot Forging, Copper Die Forging from extrude Copper Rod. ...
Pak Forging Co. [Minerals & Metallurgy] [Cast & Forged]
Material:Steel D-Brackets, Strut Brackets Stay Clamps Nuts & Bolts HT / LT Stay Assemblies ...
Usst Trading Company Ltd. [Minerals & Metallurgy] [Cast & Forged]
www.ImaginGroup.net aka IMAGING WHOLESALE GOUP INC. [Minerals & Metallurgy] [Cast & Forged]
Material:Steel It covers conventional materials, such as Stainless Steel, Carbon Steel, and special materials ...
BUENO ENTERPRISE CO., LTD [Minerals & Metallurgy] [Cast & Forged]
They are manufactured in alloys that maximize the cost-benefit ratio. After adequate thermical treatments, the qualities of excellent hardness and resistance to wear and impact are guaranteed. ...
Tubacero S. A. [Minerals & Metallurgy] [Cast & Forged]
Material:Steel Material: Carbon, Chrome, Stainless Steel ...
Bey Erl Lin Trading Co., Ltd [Minerals & Metallurgy] [Cast & Forged]
Material:Aluminum Vehicle die casting parts, Pneumatic / Power Tool die casting components, Lamp industries die casting parts and general die cast ...
Asia Sourcing Corp. [Minerals & Metallurgy] [Cast & Forged]